Remodeling Project |
Action Computer Enterprise, billdeg Total messages in this thread: 4 Updated: [ Former Action Computer User Comment ] 12/18/2014 Little is known about the Discovery 500 Multiprocessor S-100 Computer by Action Computer Enterprise, Inc. I found ads for a similar system sold by the same company that appear in Byte magazines in 1981-1982, but no ads for the Discovery 500. ![]() The Discovery 500 Multiprocessor S-100 Computer by Action Computer Enterprise, Inc. This is a "turnkey" system, note the key.
![]() The multiprocessor calls the disk controller, but there is no functioning media. After checking for a disk in the floppy drive, the system searches the hard disk for an OS.
The hard drive makes a horrible screeching, I doubt I will be able to get too far with it. The hard drive is a Disctro">... [ read more ]
A Better Way to Replace Keyboard Pads?by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 REPOST FROM CLASSICCMP: Message: 8 Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:30:42 -0500 (EST) From: Steven Hirsch To: Classic Computers Mailing List Subject: Keytronics foam pads revisited Message-ID: Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; format=flowed; charset=US-ASCII I've fixed a couple of keyboards using hobby shop track bed foam, but have not been very happy with the "feel". That foam is considerably less resilient than the material Keytronics used. After trying a number of alternate materials, I have found something that is almost identical to the original. Take a look at eBay #171549720453 for an example. "Podopro Polyfoam 5mm 45cmx22.5cm" It's 5mm thick with an adhesive backing, sold for shoe inserts. I stuck 0.075" plastic sheet to the backing, then turned it over and used spray adhesive for the aluminized mylar. Worked like a charm. Just finished resurrecting a N* Advan">... [ read more ] |
1964 Honeywell Sales Presentationby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() Honeywell 201 Central Processor Info Sheet from sales presentation. For larger image see Section 3b from the link below.
May 1st, 1964 the Honeywell Electronic Data Processing Division Bala-Cynwyd office sales team led by Stephen S. Berry (Sales Representative) and H.L. Sweatt (Branch Sales Mgr) submitted their proposal to DuPont Company to upgrade the Treasurer's Department computer system. DuPont had been running an IBM 1401 system but they were looking to upgrade. Initial discussions between the two companies appear to have been about the H-200 computer. After assessing the needs of the Treasurer's Department, Honeywell is shown to suggest that DuPont instead acquire a system comprising of combination of H-800/1800, H-300, and co">... [ read more ]
Replace External Filter Digital RK05by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() Original filter removed from the rear card cage opening of the Digital RK05 drive.
After a few aborted attempts Dave G helped me take apart the PDP 8e system so it could be de-racked and moved into the basement. Finally. Before I re-cabled the drives to the computer I decided to replace the filter in the back of each drive where the cards are connected to the cables. I went to the local hardware store and bought general purpose filters, then cut to fit.
If you're replacing your own DEC filter the product I used is 3M Filtrete #0412560 carbon pre-filter">... [ read more ]
Bendix G-15 Coding Manualby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() Color scan cover of the 1959 Bendix G-15 Coding Manual. Click image for larger view.
PDF of manual on Bitsavers:
See a Bendix G-15 in person at the Mid-Atlantic Retro Computing Hobbyists Computer Museum at InfoAge in Wall, NJ, USA.">... [ read more ]
1993 Digital DECpc XL 566by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() In November 1993 Digital Equipment Corp introduced its XL line of PC computers which included two Pentium I CPU PCs, the DECpc XL 560 and 566. The price for the model shown here was $4,399. Click image for larger view.
This particular machine works quite well and is very clean. I plan to set it up as a vintage 1995 web designer PC, with my original programs and files from that era. This one has an ethernet card in it, which is kind of cheating, the average designer in 1995 would have had a 33.6 kbaud modem. On the other hand if you could afford $4000+ for a PC in 1995 you might was well throw in an Ethernet card as well, eh?
Photos">... [ read more ]
CBM BX700 Picturesby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() CBM BX700 with chassis propped open. Click image for larger view.
![]() View of the 8088 co-processor board used to boot MS DOS and CP/M 86 OS. Click image for larger view.
A few new photos of the rare Commodore "BX700", a B-Series prototype with no ID badge or S/N label. The BX700 is not to be confused with the European B700 / American CBM B128-80.">... [ read more ]
Mainframe / MiniComputer User Manualsby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 Here is a snapshot photo of my basement floor sorting project, everything is being cataloged and sorted by manufacturer and model. I will eventually catalog all of this and post here...Click image for larger view.
More photos">... [ read more ]
UNIVAC 1219by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 5 Updated: [ UNIVAC 1219 / 418 Models ] 11/13/2014 Here is a link to the "Univac 1219 Military Computer General Description" brochre: Hi-res Images">... [ read more ] |
SuperPET ComboBoard Revisionsby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 2 Updated: [ SuperPet U47 - not a 2764 ] 11/09/2014 I have a SuperPET ComboBoard with a bad 970018-12 (slot U47)...I assume there is no source for the original ROMS...From what I found on the web, this is just a 2764. I will try to make a copy of the one good ROM. I found this site http://mhv.bplaced...s/cbmroms.php SuperPET Waterloo $A and $B (U47) A000 - BFFF Anyway, soon I will see how it goes to make a replacement ROM from scratch. Regarding the two spare Combo boards I have on hand; one is an original Combo board, and one a "Rev D". Both boards are good other than the one bad ROM that I have to share between the two. I did not realize there was more than one rev of the SuperPet Combo board. The big difference is that J2 (the switch port) is in a different positi">... [ read more ] |
Using CBM 4040 and SuperPET in 6809 Modeby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() This is a view of the CBM SuperPET switch settings for 6809 mode. In this position one can run the Waterloo development languages including Pascal, COBOL, Fortran, BASIC, and Assembler. Click image for larger view.
The topic of conversation came up as to whether one could run the SuperPET Waterloo software from a 4040 drive. Being that the 4040 is the IEEE dual-drive equivalent of the 1541 drive, it would then be possible copy the disk as a D64 for easier transport and poss use on an actual serial drive with an adapter.
Tandy 1000 Series MS DOS Computersby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() Tandy 1000 SX 25-1052B. This unit has a 10 Mb hard drive and single 360K diskette. Click image to see additional photos of this model.
![]() Tandy 1000 HX base model with one 720K disk drive and 256K RAM. Click image to see additional photos of the 1000 HX model
![]() This is an upgraded 640K 1000 HX with two 720K disk drives. Click image to see larger view.
... [ read more ]
AT&T UNIX PC 3B1 vs. 7300by billdeg Total messages in this thread: 5 Updated: [ Using an External Terminal ] 10/12/2014 I received some AT&T UNIX PC parts this week from Mike Lee ( ) Specifically he sent me most of a UNIX PC "7300" model. I own a dead "3B1" model, which can be differentiated from the 7300 by it's raised monitor. I could not find any 3B1 images on the web, below is a link to my system's pics. There are plenty of the 7300's on the web. Anyway, I started into diagnosing what was wrong with my system, and his too. I was hoping to be able to merge my dead system with the parts from Mike's and create a working system. Almost... It turns out that the later model of the UNIX PC, the 3B1, has a different power supply than the older 7300 variants. Mike sent me a "middle version" 7300 with 1 MB onboard RAM. He sent me two good power supplies. Unfortunately neither will work on the 3B1, not the same juice. I checked with volt meter, compared with interne">... [ read more ] |
Mattel Electronics Auto Raceby billdeg Total messages in this thread: 1 ![]() First Handheld Electronic Game, the 1976 Mattel Electronics Auto Race.
I was playing around with this game and gave it to my kids to mess around with. They were mildly interested, but did not really get it. So much for the first entirely digital handheld electronic game. One had to shift into high gear while the car (represented by a LED light) was at the bottom of the track and steer clear of the on-coming cars (more LED lights). As the player's car makes its way up the track there is less time to react to on-coming cars. To compensate the player downshifts using the GEAR controls to slow the pace of cars. Once back at the bottom of the screen the driver can shift back into a higher gear. The lower the score the better, and the worst score is 99.
512 bytes of program storage (not 512K). The Auto">... [ read more ]
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