CBM IEEE Drive Inventory / Repair Notes | by Bill Degnan - 06/30/2007 00:11 |
NOTE: Tandon = door drive levers, otherwise units are "depress to engage" type drives.
-8050 w/ Tandon Drives OK -8050 w/ Tandon Drives OK boxed -8050 OK (bench unit) -8050 OK upgraded DOS 2.7. drive 0 bad -8050 Not OK 2 more 8050 w/ Tandon Drives, Not OK 1 Tandon 8250 - flakey/partially functional -Tandon 2040 - OK -Tandon 2040 - does not power up -Tandon 2031 -Not OK 3 flashes code -D9090 - OK (converted to D9060 w/ ST-225) -D9090 - OK (needs new Tandon 603s) -------------------- What's next? Repair with parts on hand. Reply |