SECTION 8: LINE PRINTER INTERFACE Line Printers There are two types of line printer: 1. Serial line printer 2. Parallel line printer You can connect either type to the LNW80 Computer. The physical connections for each differ from one another, as they carry data differently. A serial line printer handles a byte of information by receiving the basic elements of information (the bits) in serial fashion, i.e., one after another, or bit-by-bit, like eight cars following any behind the other on a single-lane road. On reception of eight bits the printer reconstructs the appropriate character. Parallel printers, on the other hand, receive information byte-by-byte. At any one time, at least 8 bits are travelling parallel to one another along the ribbon cable, much like 8 cars abreast on an 8-lane freeway.
Figure 8.0 - Parallel and Serial Data Flow Serial Line Printer Serial line printers must be connected to the RS-232 serial communications interface. A DB25 socket is required to make this connection. The transmitting rate must be set on the TX switch to the right of the interface. You will also, in all probability, have to modify the the printer line so that it can interface with the RS-232 interface. Because connection of a serial printer requires some knowledge of RS-232 operation, details on tne "how tos" of serial printer connection are found in Section 9. If you are currently on the hunt for a printer, do yourself a favor and make it a parallel one. Note: In order that the LPRINT and LLIST commands of BASIC work properly, a special program must be used. This program is resident in DOSPLUS 3.4 as part of the forms command. For serial printers which require handshaking, this can be configured the RS232 command in DOSPLUS 3.4. LNWBASIC allows a serial printer (no handshaking) with the RSOUT command. For cassette based systems or other DOSes, a serial printer driver program is supplied at the end of Section 9. Parallel Line Printer The LNW80 8-bit parallel printer interface is CENTRONICS compatible. Parallel line printers are hooked up to the line printer interface via a card edge connector and a ribbon cable. Outputting to the Printer using BASIC There are two BASIC commands which output material to the printer: LLIST LPRINT These correspond to the commands: LIST PRINT which display material on the video display. The PRINT @ command does not have a line printer equivalent. Also, not all line printers are able to display the ASCII coded graphics characters 128 through 151. Some line printers may have their own graphics characters. Page Length The page length may be controlled from the keyboard. Memory location 16424 stores the number of lines per page plus one. The value stored at this location can be examined by using: PRINT PEEK (16424) The reply is: 67 The page length being ll inches and the printing rate being set at 66 lines per inch for most printers, the number of lines per page is 66. Some line printers, however, require that this value be adjusted (see adjusting printer controls) . Line Count The line count plus 1 is stored at the adjacent memory location, address 16425. This value can be retrieved as before by using: PRINT PEEK (16425) the reply at boot up being 0. This value should be initialized to 1 or more. Printer Availability The next location we PEEK at is memory address 14312. This contains a code depicting printer status. Table 8.0 - Line Printer Status
16 Cable connection upside down 48 Hooked up and on-line 128 Hooked up, not on-line 192 Printer out of paper 240 Printer not available |
The 4 most significant bits (MSB) at byte 14312 are used to code printer status. Each of these bits represents a particular aspect of printer status. For example, when bit 6 is on (set) it means the printer is out of paper. When it's off, it means the printer has paper. The 4 least significant bits (LSB), which are not used, are always set. The codes above are a result of a combination of the various conditions. (For a detailed account of printer status coding and Microsoft BASIC coding in general, see "Microsoft BASIC Decoded" by James Farvour, available through your IJG dealer). Adjusting Printer Controls The value at any RAM address in the computer can be changed using the POKE verb in BASIC. A good idea is to initialize the line count and page length at the beginning of every program in which there is line printer output. At this point, printer status can also be ascertained. l0 REM Program code to alter page-length and 20 REM line-count and to check line printer status. 30 POKE 16424,nnn ' Number of lines per page. 40 POKE 16425,nnn ' Line-count 50 A = PEEK(143l2) 55 B = A AND 240 60 IF B <> 48 THEN PRINT " PRINTER NOT READY" SECTION 9: RS232C INTERFACING This section is a bit long, so you might want to grab a cup of tea, coffee or whatever before launching into it. The RS-232-C interface was mentioned fleetingly in Section 3 in connection with serial printers. How come we had all of this to-do about an RS-232-C when all we wanted was to hook-up a serial printer? Parallel printers, being good little printers, provided no problem at all! Serial devices handle digital data in serial form; whereas, the computer handles data in parallel form. The circuitry associated with the RS-232-C asynchronous serial communications interface, to give it its full name, performs the change over from parallel form to serial form and vice-versa. Note: A program is required that supports the RS-232-C. See page 85. History of Serial Data Communication Not long after Babbage introduced his "Analytical Machine" in 1822, Andre Ampere toyed with various concepts for communicating information over electrical wires. In the 1830's, Samuel Morse took Ampere's idea and went on to develop the telegraph using a code he developed, - Morse Code. This was the first step in communication over wires, using electrical signals to encode human symbols. From that time to the development of computers, coding information over single wires in serial fashion, gave rise to various standards. As a result, when it came to interfacing computers with the serial communications network, which is now the phone system, computer manufacturers had to develop their own standard: the RS-232. RS-232-C Standard The "C" in RS-232-C refers to the particular version of the standard. The LNW80'S RS-232-C interface conforms to the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) standard RS-232-C. However, different computers employing the RS-232-C standard often interpret it differently. As a result, various makes of computer claiming RS-232-C compatibility will not necessarily communicate or "talk" with each other without some adjustment. Figure 9.0 shows the pin specifications on the 25-pin connector, as defined by the RS-232-C standard.
Only pins marked with an asterisk are connected in the LNW80. Figure 9.0 - RS-232-C pin connector as defined by EIA. Some equipment which is attached to computers only uses pins 2, 3 (data lines) and pin 7 (ground), while other equipment may use the unassigned and reserved pins while still going under the label 'RS-232-C Standard’. The Baud The BAUD, like many of the terms in RS232 jargon, has a bit of history behind it. Named after Baudot, a pioneer in telegraphic communications, the baud was the unit of transmision speed for serial data communication. It represented the number of half-dot cycles transmitted continuously in one second (which is in fact the modulation rate). We can think of the modulation rate as being the rate at which a carrier wave is adjusted to accomodate data transmission, In the present-day scheme of things, when the data signalling rate (measured in bits per second) is equal to the modulation rate (expressed as baud), then the number of bits transmitted per second is equal to the baud rate. (Long sentence, that!). In our situation of asynchronous data transmission, the baud rate is equal to the bit rate when one stop bit is used. Transmission Techniques Inter-computer communication over a distance is almost always achieved using serial data transmission, as the communications,network is already there (the phone system). As we have seen, data in the form of characters is encoded in bits. The character length is optional here and can be either 5, 6, 7 or 8 bits. This is to allow for various word lengths that have arisen as standard over the years. Each bit is transmitted as an electrical pulse along the transmission line. The pulses are of a definite time duration. At the other end of the line, the receiver must somehow be in synchronization with the pulses it receives. It must be able to recognize when a bit starts and how long it lasts, and when a character starts and ends. There are two modes of operation to achieve synchronization between receiver and transmitter: - asynchronous operation - synchronous operation The LNW80 uses the asynchronous method, as do most microcomputers. With asynchronous communication, characters can be dumped on to the transmission line raggle-taggle fashion, i.e., the timing of character placement on the line is not important. In allowing this, however, the receiver demands that each character must be transmitted at a fixed rate and must be framed with a start-bit and stop-bit(s).
Figure 9.1 - asynchronous transmission showing character with start and stop bits. Connecting Equipment to the RS-232-C When connecting equipment to the RS-232-C interface, we must take into account whether it is: Data Terminal Equipment (DTE), or Data Communications Equipment (DCE). DTE includes serial printers, teletypes and Decwriters. DCE refers to modems. As is, the LNW80’s RS-232-C interface is configured to interact with DCE. Serial Printer a the RS232 Serial printers and teletypes (DTE) have the same signals on the RS232 cable as the LNW80. This is because Teletypes were designed to interface directly with modems (as is the LNW80) to act as a remote terminals. This means that there will be conflicts on the RS232 lines since the printer's outputs are the same as the computer’s. Fortunately not all of the RS232 signals are required when connecting to a serial printer. Usually only the Transmit Data (TD) for the computer is tied to the Receive Data (RD) of the printer along with the chassis and signal ground (see table 9.0). Some printers also require the use of handshaking lines. Handshaking is the printers way of telling the computer that it's buffers are full, and to hold off until it has printed their contents. The computer must then wait until the printer is ready to recieve data again. This signal should be received on DSR (pin 6) and may be output by the serial printer on either DTR (pin 20) or a separate RS232 handshaking signal. For handshaking to operate properly, the handshaking signals should be "ON" (+12V) when ready to receive more data, and "OFF" (-12V) when busy. Check with the operations manual of your printer if in doubt. The following drawing illustates the lines connected. Some serial printers require that CTS (pin 5) or DSR (pin 6) of the printer be tied to either +12V or -12V for proper operation. The operating manual for the printer should provide the details.
Figure 9.2 - Serial printer interfacing with the computer. Table 9.0 - Specifications for the LNW80's RS-232-C Interface Pin Number Signal 1 PGND (protective ground) 2 TD (transmit data) 3 RD (receive data) 4 RTS (request to send) 5 CTS (clear to send) 6 DSR (data set ready) 7 SGND (signal ground) 8 CD (carrier detect) 20 DTR (data terminal ready) 22 RI (ring indicator) TD -- Serial data is output to external device. RD -- Serial data is received from external device. RTS - Outputs a request to the external device to allow the computer to transmit serial data. CTS - Inputs a response from an external device to a RTS saying that the external device is ready to receive serial data. DSR - Input to the computer saying that the receiving device (at the other end of the telephone) is ready to receive from the computer. In the case of a modem, this signal acknowledges that it is not in test, talk or dial mode. CD -- Input to the computer saying that the modem has sensed a carrier signal over the telephone. DTR - Output by the computer to tell the external device that the computer is ready to transmit or receive serial data. RI -- Input to the computer indicating that the modem has received a ringing tone at the other end of the telephone. Connecting a Modem This device allows information to be transmitted from one computer to another over the telephone lines. Telephone lines, however, were designed, not for transmitting data, but with the human voice in mind. The result is a system designed to reproduce an analog signal representing the fluctuations of the human voice in the frequency range 300 to 3400 Hertz (cycles per second). Analog signals vary continuously with time, rising and falling between high and low values. Digital signals, on the other hand, have either a constant high value or a constant low value at any one instant, changing from one value to the other over a negligible period of time.
Figure 9.3 - Analogue and Digital Signals The modem forges the gap between the two worlds. The word modem is an acronym for MOdulator/DEModulator, indicating the two functions a modem performs. When serial digital data from the computer presents itself to the modem for transmission over the telephone lines, it is first coded as an analog signal, and then "applied" to a carrier wave resident in the telephone network. This "applying" is called modulation. A modulated signal arriving at the computer must be demodulated. That is, the analog information imposed on the carrier wave must be stripped off and converted into serial digital information.
Figure 9.4 - Modem Interfacing With the Computer Acoustic modems convert transmission data received into audible tones which are fed to the computer via the earpiece of the phone. When data is going in the other direction, from the computer to the transmission line, the modem converts data into audible tones which are fed to the transmission line via the phone mouthpiece. A modem is DCE and, as a result, interfaces directly with the RS-232-C serial communications interface. (Pin 2 on the modem receives data, and pin 3 transmits). A cable with a male DB25 plug is required to make this connection.
Figure 9.5 - Hooking Up a Modem Switch Settings on the RS232C Interface Located on the I/0 panel, next to the RS232 DB25 connector, are 3 sets of small DIP switches, as shown in figure 9.6. These switches are used to set the BAUD RATE and the UART (see RS232 Operation 6 Programing) configuration settings (parity, word length and number of stop bits).
Figure 9.6 - Close up of RS232C dip switches. The two BAUD RATE switches select the actual baud clocks (for both receive and transmit) to the UART. The baud rate is not software selectable on the LNW80 as it was on the TRS80 Model I. Almost all TRS80 Model I software can still be used even if it thinks it can set the baud rate under software control. Only applications where the baud rates MUST be controlled by the application program will the LNW80 not be compatible with the TRS80 Model I . Some programs will attempt to display or otherwise indicate the current baud rate setting under software control. This is not possible on the LNW80 and this information should be ignored. The configuration switches for parity, word length, and number of stop bits do not actually set these values directly in the UART. These switches simply are present to allow the application program to read back what they have been set to. Since many existing TRS80 model 1 RS232 programs require that these switches are present, it is also included on the LNW80. These switches can be read by inputting from port E9H. For more information on these configuration switches refer to the section on programming the RS232 interface. Transmitting and Receiving The programmer has a number of things to consider before communicating via the RS-232-C interface: - Transmit and receive rates - Parity - Word length - Start and stop bits Setting Transmit and Receive Rates For most applications the Transmit (TX) and Receive (RX) switches (located next to the RS232 interface) will be both set at the same value. Only one switch on the TX and one switch on the RX should be on at any one time. Table 9.1 - Setting Tx and Rx Rates TX & RX Switch Baud rate 1 9600 2 2400 3 4800 4 1200 5 150 6 110 7 600 8 300 Setting Parity When data is transmitted, errors often occur due to electrical interference, or "noise," on the line. This may result in an extra bit being included in a character, for example. To provide a check on this, a parity bit is appended to the word making the total number of "ones" in the word odd or even, depending on whether you have chosen odd or even parity for transmission. The configuration switches on the I/0 panel are used to set parity. Table 9.2 - Setting Parity With the Configuration Switches Parity Con Switch Position Inhibit 1 Off 2 Off Even 1 On 2 Off Odd 1 On 2 On Setting Word Length A word (character) length of 5, 6, 7 or 8 bits may be used. The reason for the various word lengths (just when we had gotten used to 8 bits to a character) is that older machines have different word lengths. For example, teletypes use a 5-bit word length. Table 9.3 - Setting Word Length Word Length Con Switch Position 5 4 On 5 On 6 4 Off 5 On 7 4 On 5 Off 8 4 Off 5 Off Setting Stop Bits You may select 1 or 2 stop bits. When using a 5-bit word length, the configuration corresponding to 2 bits is, in actual fact, 1.5 atop bits. You may well wonder how a half-bit is arrived at. A hali-bit is represented by a time pulse half that of full bit. Table 9.4 - Setting Stop Bits Stop Bits Con Switch Position 1 3 On 2 3 Off Note: Configuration switch 6 is not used for anything. RS-232-C Operation The circuitry associated with the RS-232-C has as its centerpiece a small dedicated processor, - the UART (Universal Asynchronous Transmitter/Receiver). It is dedicated in the sense that it has nothing else to do except to look after the RS-232-C's goings on. It is within the UART that the parallel data structure of the computer is interfaced with the serial data structure of the communications channel. The transmitter section of the UART takes a parallel byte from the CPU bus (information route) and converts it to a serial word with start, stop and parity bits. The receiver section accepts a serial word from a serial device complete with its adornment of stop, start and parity bits, checks its validity, and then reconstitutes a parallel byte. Programming the RS232C Interface In order for the UART to function to receive and transmit serial data, a program within the LNW80 must communicate with the UART writing commands, configuration information, and data to its internal registers and reacting status and data back. Here is a list of the requirements for programming the UART: 1. MASTER RESET After power has been applied to the UART, it must be reset before attempting to program any of the internal registers. This can be done by outputting anything to port location E8 (hex). Here is an example of the assembly language source code. OUT (0E8H),A ;OUTPUT ANYTHING 2. CONFIGURATION OF UART The UART will transmit and receive at the baud rate that is provided by the switch settings but it must be told how it is to transmit the serial data. Should there be PARITY? If so, should it be EVEN PARITY or ODD PARITY? Should 5,6,7 or 8 bits of data be transmitted? Should the STOP BITS be set at 1 or 2? This information is programmed into the UART by certain bits set or not set in the UART CONTROL REGISTER. This register is addressed at port location EAH. The upper 5 bits of this location determine the setting of this configuration while the lower 3 bits are also used to set some of the handshaking output lines. The relationship between these switches and the UART CONTROL REGISTER is such that by manually setting the switches, your program can simply read the switches, mask the lower 3 bits and then output that value to the UART CONTROL REGISTER at EAH. This feature is provided for the purpose of remaining compatible with programs written for the TRS80 Model 1 that read the switches and do not allow the user to select this configuration under software control. Since both DOSPLUS 3.4 and LNWBASIC allow programming of the configuration AND it is done in the BASIC programs provided at the end of this section it is not recommended that new programs be written that depend on these switches. Here is an example of how the UART CONTROL REGISTER is set: LD A,(CONFIG) ;load value from memory OUT (EAH),A ; actually output to UART CONFIG DEFB ; here is where the BASIC ; program put the ; configuration settings. The example programs are provided at the end of this section to illustrate how the configuration settings are selected from a basic program. Or if you are using the configuration switches... IN A,(0E9H) ; INPUT FROM CONFIGURATION SWITCHES AND 0F8H ; MASK OFF LOWER 3 BITS OR 05H ; SET THE LOWER 3 BITS AS DESIRED FOR HANDSHAKING (BRK,DTR,RTS) OUT (0EAH),A ; OUTPUT TO UART 3. TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE DATA In order for the UART to transmit data, data must output to the UART TRANSMIT REGISTER (EBH). Data can be input from the UART RECEIVE REGISTER (EBH). Status concerning data received, data transmitted, and errors can be read back on the UART STATUS REGISTER (EAH). The status bits are defined in figure 2 above. For more details in programming the UART, refer to the LNW80 TECHNICAL REFERENCE MANUAL and the data sheets on the TR1602B. 4. MODEM STATUS REGISTER When communicating over voice grade telephone lines and using a modem, various modem status conditions can be read back. CTS, DSR, CD, RI can all be input at port location E8H. See page 40 of the LNW80 Technical Reference Manual for the bits associated with these status signals. The assembly listing of the serial terminal program which follows illustrates how the RS232 interface and the UART are programmed. ; ; Assembly-language Listing of Terminal Program ; 0033 00010 DSP EQU 338 002B 00020 KBD EQU 2BH FF70 00100 ORG 0FF70H FF70 3E1C 00110 START LD A,1CH ;HOME CURSOR FF72 CD3300 00120 CALL DSP FF75 3E1F 00130 LD A,lFH ;CLEAR SCREEN FF77 CD3300 00140 CALL DSP FF7A 3E0E 00150 LD A,0EH ;TURN ON CURSOR FF7C CD3300 00160 CALL DSP FF7F D3E8 00170 IUART OUT (MR),A ;RESET UART WITH ANYTHING FF81 DBE9 00180 IN A,(CONFIG) ;GET TERM CONFIG JUMPERS FF83 E6F8 00190 AND 0FSH ;MASK LOWER 3 BITS FF85 F605 00200 OR 5H ;SET BRK, RESET, DTR, SET RTS FF87 D3EA 00210 OUT (CTRL),A;PUT IN CONTROL REG FF89 DBEA 00220 RSRD IN A;(CTRL) FFSB CB7F 00230 BIT 07H,A ;IS RECEIVE DATA AVAILABLE FFSD 2817 00240 JR Z,SEROUT FFSF DBEB 00250 IN A;(DATA) ;GET DATA FF91 B7 00260 OR A FF92 2812 00270 JR Z;SEROUT ;IF NO INPUT LOOK TO OUT FF94 E67F 00280 AND 7FH ;STRIP PARITY FF96 FE60 00290 CP 60H FF98 FA9DFF 00300 JP M,AAT FF9B E65F 00310 AND 5FH ;LOWER TO UPPER CASE FF9D FE0A 00320 AAT CP 0AH FF9F 28E8 00330 JR Z,RSRD FFA1 CD3300 00340 CALL DSP ;DISPLAY CHARACTER FFA4 18E3 00350 JR RSRD FFA6 CD2B00 00360 SEROUT CALL KBD ;INPUT FROM KEYBOARD? FFA9 B7 00370 OR A FFAA 28DD 00380 JR Z,RSRD ;IF NOTHING THEN BACK TO INPUT FFAC FE05 00390 CP 5H FFAE F2B9FF 00400 JP P,NOSPCH ;NOT A SPECIAL CHARACTER FFB1 21CSFF 00410 LD HL,SPCHTB-1 ;SPECIAL CHARACTER TABLE FFB4 4F 00420 LD C,A FFB5 0600 00430 LD B,0H FFB7 09 00440 ADD HL,BC ;HL POINTS TO SPEC. CHARACTER FFB8 7E 00450 LD A,(HL) ;GET SPECIAL CHARACTER CODE FFB9 FE1A 00460 NOSPCH CP 1AH FFBB 28CC 00470 JR Z,RSRD ;IS SHIFT DOWN ARROW? IGNORE FFBD 4F 00480 RSWR LD C,A ;SAVE DATA FFBE DBEA 00490 IN A,(CTRL) ;GET UART STATUS FFC0 CB77 00500 BIT 06H,A ;IS TRANSMIT REGISTER EMPTY FFC2 28F9 00510 JR Z,RSWR ;IF NOT LOOP FFC4 79 00520 LD A,C ;PUT CHAR IN A FFC5 D3EB 00530 OUT (DATA),A gOUTPUT CHAR FFC7 18C0 00540 JR RSRD ;BACK TO INPUT ROUTINE FFC9 03 00550 SPCHTB DEFB 03H ; DEFAULT: EOT-CNT "A" FFCA 1B 00560 DEFB 1BH ;DEFAULT:ESC-CNT"B" FFCB 7C 00570 DEFB 7CH ;DEFAULT:VERT BAR -CNT"C" FFCC 7F 00580 DEFB 7FH ;DEFAULT:DEL-CNT"D" 00E8 00720 MR EQU 00E8H 00E9 00730 CONFIG EQU 00E9H 00EA 00740 CTRL EQU 00EAH 00KB 00750 DATA EQU 00EBH FF70 00770 END START 00000 TOTAL ERRORS Getting the Most From the RS-232-C The RS-232-C may well be one of the most important features on your LNW80. It allows you to communicate with your local community college computer (educational budget permitting), or work computer, your LNW80 acting as a terminal. Thus you can interact with large computer systems from your home. The ramifications of this kind of setup could have dramatic effects on society in the not so distant future. Ponder for a moment if you will, on the work habits of people in metropolitan areas. Every morning large numbers of citizens from the suburbs pile into their automobiles and drive towards downtown. Once there, they assume positions at desks where they write on paper and pass information, one to the other, again on paper. Adding up the cost of this kind of modus operandi, a number of inefficiences come rushing to mind. Think of the time spent commuting and the cost of this on both pocket and environment. The astronomical cost of harboring thousands of people in one big building also springs to the fore. If only we could communicate, perform more direct accounting and commit information to store without all of this paper! Let's be glib here. Instead of spending the tons of money (literally) on office construction and maintenance, why not give all of the employees a microcomputer and modem (I have just the system in mind!) and the resources for a small bureau at home. The employees could log on every morning to a central computer and find out what was wanted of them today. They could submit work to the computer, which would spout out the facts to the company president and his aides. The considerable savings on gasoline could be used to improve the communications network. This rather loosely strung together train of thought hints at the real possibilities the RS-232-C communications unit could present. BASIC RS232C Serial Printer & Terminal Programs The following program can be used as a terminal program, which allows your computer to communicate with other computers via a modem. 10 REM SERIAL CRT TERMINAL PROGRAM 20 REM 30 REM This program allows the use of the LNW80 computer 40 REM system as a CRT terminal. This program may also be 50 REM used for testing the serial interface by connecting 60 REM pins 2 & 3 of the RS232C DB25 connector together. 65 REM BE SURE TO SET HIGH MEMORY TO 65390 70 FOR X=-144 TO -52 80 READ D 90 POKE X,D 100 NEXT X 110 POKE 16526,112 '070H 120 POKE 16527,255 '0FFH 130 A=USR(N) 200 DATA 62,28,205,51,0,62,31,205,51,0,62,14,205,51,0,211 210 DATA 232,219,233,230,248,246,5,211,234,219,234,203,127 220 DATA 40,23,219,235,183,40,18,230,127,254,96,250,157,255 230 DATA 230,95,254,10,40,232,205,51,0,24,227,205,43,0,183 240 DATA 40,221,254,5,242,285,255,33,200,255,79,6,0,9,126 250 DATA 254,26,40,204,79,219,234,203,119,40,249,121,2ll 260 DATA 235,24,192,3,27,124,127 Serial Printer Program 10 REM BASIC SERIAL PRINTER PROGRAM 30 REM This program allows the use of a serial printer 40 REM with the LNW80. This program is left in memory 50 REM unaltered by BASIC and user programs. The program 60 REM is executed during each LPRINT and LLIST statement 70 REM Handshaking is supported as the software reads the 71 REM the printer busy (DSR) before outputting a 72 REM character. If your printer does not support 73 REM handshaking, change line number 340 to: 74 REM 340 DATA 219,232,203,119,0,0,219,234 75 REM BE SURE TO SET HIGH MEMORY TO 65278 BEFORE 76 REM entering BASIC. 77 REM 78 REM 80 CLS:PRINTCHR$(23):PRINT"LNW RESEARCH CORP.":PRINT"BASIC SERIAL PRINTER PROGRAM" 90 FOR X=-256 TO -207 100 READ D 110 POKE X,D 120 NEXT X 130 A$="E":P=128:L=0:WL=1:SB=7:B=32 140 'INITALLY SET FOR 1 START BIT, SEVEN BITS DATA, EVEN PARITY,ONE STOP BIT 150 POKE 16421,2:POKE 16422,0:POKE 16423,255 'POKE NEW DCB 160 FORZX=1T0600:NEXTZX:CLS:PRINT"CONFIGURATION MENU": PRINT: PRINT"RS232 CONFIGURATION SETTINGS" 170 PRINT"1) PAR1TY (E-EVEN)g(O-ODD),(D-DISABLED) ";A$ 180 PRINT"2) STOP BITS ";WL 190 PRINT"3) WORD LENGTH ";SB 200 PRINT"4) RUN TERMINAL PROGRAM":PRINT"SELECT FUNCTION" 210 Z$ =INKEY$:IFZ$=""THENGOT0210ELSEIFZ$="1"THENGOT0220ELSE IFZ$=" 2" THENGOT0270ELSEIFZ$="3"THENGOT0240ELSEIFZ$="4" THEN GOT0290ELSE GOT0210 220 P=0:INPUT"PARITY EVEN (E), ODD (0), OR DISABLED (D)"; A$:IFA$="E" THENP=POR128ELSEIFA$="0"THENP=PAND127ELSE IFA$="D"THENP=POR8 ELSEGOT0220 230 GOTO 160 240 INPUT"WORD LENGTH (5,6,7,8)";SB:IF SB<5THEN240ELSE IFSB>8THEN240 250 IFSB=5THENB=0ELSEIFSB=6THENB=64ELSEIFSB=7THENB=32ELSE IFSB=STH ENB=96 260 GOT0160 270 INPUT"STOP BITS (1 OR 2)";WL:IFWL>2THENGOT0270ELSEIFWL
SECTION 10: MEMORY UTILIZATION A Look at Memory in a Non-Disk System The computer is now operating out of ROM using the Level II BASIC language. On power up we have 64K of memory address space in the machine. 12K of this is Read Only Memory (ROM), which we cannot use to hold programs or data. In addition, the computer takes up just over 2K bytes of memory space which it uses to operate the keyboard, the video, I/0 routines and other computer "housekeeping" functions. Almost 2K is not used for anything. So, of the 64K of memory space that we started out with, the computer has earmarked 16K for its own purposes. This leaves us, the programmers, with 48K or thereabouts. See figure 10.0 for a schematic presentation of memory allocation. Figure 10.0 - Simple Rectangular Memory Block Diagram.
A Look at Memory in a Disk System With system start-up from disk, the DOSPLUS disk operating system is loaded from disk into RAM. The system doesn't just load into memory at any old position. No, the DOS loads in at the 16K mark in memory and extends for 5K to 21K. The memory up to 16K is the same as that in a non-disk system. In fact the DOS enhances the ROM based system ay acting in cooperation with it. Figure 10.1 is a schematic drawing of memory allocation in a disk system.
Figure 10.1 - Memory block diagram for a disk system. (Before BASIC is called). A disk operating system takes up more memory than the ROM based system. However, the availability of a large amount of quickly accessible storage on disk, more than compensates for the extra 5K of memory we have sacrificed. High Memory Protection The BASIC interpreter uses as much memory as you will allow it. In a ROM based system, BASIC uses a variable amount of space beyond the 16K region, where it stores tables and variables. In the case of a disk system, these tables and variables are stored just beyond the 26K region. In both cases, BASIC also stores information way up there in high memory (in the 40K+ region). You may put a ceiling on BASIC's use of memory by replying to the MEMORY SIZE? question on power up or reset. By replying with say 32768, you will keep BASIC out of memory locations above 32K. This is important if you want to use assembly-language programs. For a memory map showing how Level II BASIC uses memory, see Appendix D of the Radio Shack Level Il manual. This is not vital information if you are a beginner, but it is important if you are an assembly-language enthusiast. SECTION ll: CHOOSING AND USING A DISK OPERATING SYSTEM Introduction The LNW80 supports a wide number of disk operating systems (DOS). A full list is supplied in Table 11.0. This versatility towards software will be welcome news to those programmers who want to continue using the same software that wooed them towards microcomputers in the first place. However, the first time owner may find the choice of DOSes a bit bewildering, and for this reason we include DOSPLUS 3.4 in the LNW80 package. We think this is a well-documented and easy to use DOS. Knowing full well that the first operating system that you come to know generates a feeling not unlike that towards your first car, this section includes detailed instructions on how to set up a disk system for a number of DOSes. But first, as a backdrop (hey, this is southern Californian) to all of this technical mumbo jumbo, let’s take a vague look at microcomputer operating systems and their background. (For a detailed description of a disk operating system, see the introduction to this manual). Important Aspects of a DOS From a programmer’s point of view, a DOS should be transparent and fast. Transparent means that it should perform the various data manipulations in such a way that the programmer is hardly aware of what's going on. When the DOS needs to look up system tables, or bring another system module from disk into RAM (overlaying), we, the programmers, want it to do so without bothering us as we slave away at the keyboard. We would also like to have some data recovery facilities, in the event that the DOS tells us it can’t read a disk sector. Ideally, the DOS should do all of this using a minimum of valuable RAM. A very important aspect of any operating system is its documentation. If the documentation is not very clear, and you can't find out how to use the system, or you find yourself encountering difficulties which are not explained, then the system ends up being of little use and a real pain in the byte. A Brief History of the TRS80 Model I Operating Systems Since the introduction in 1978 of tba TRS80 Model I microcomputer and its disk operating system, TRSDOS, a wide variety of operating systems have been developed to operate on the TRS80 Model I. These systems were developed, for the most part, to improve upon a poor TRSDOS 2.1. One of the operating systems to emerge was NEWDOS. This operating system was written because its owners, Apparat Inc., needed a DOS for their own internal use that actually worked. Before long, others heard that a DOS really did exist that worked and Apparat became a DOS company. Meanwhile, the original author of the Radio Shack TRSDOS 2.1, Randy Cook, began improving on what he had written and created what would be known as VTOS 3.0. He marketed the DOS under the company name of Virtual Technology Inc. Apparat continued to improve the NEWDOS and released NEWDOS 2.1, NEWDOS+, and NEWDOS80 1.0. VTOS 3.0 evolved to VTOS 4.0 as more features were added. At about the same time, a young programmer in Florida had written a DOS for both single-density and for the new double-density adaptor from Percom Data Co. This DOS became widely known as DOSPLUS 3.2 and 3.2D, and was marketed by a company known as Microsystems Software. This DOS evolved to 3.3D, which became the standard DOS supplied with the LNDOUBLER. At about the same time, other DOS systems were springing up almost from nowhere. The DOS WAR had just begun. Radio Shack did not sit still during the DOS WAR. They improved upon TRSDOS and finally developed a DOS which both worked and offered some usable features, - TRSDOS 2.3. VTOS was sold to Lobo Drives fox use on their LX80 interface, and with a major effort in both programming and documentation, LDOS 5.0 and 5.1 emerged. LDOS was a powerful "device independent" system with the features of VTOS, but without the bugs. LDOS uses the same syntax as TRSDOS, but has many additional features and capabilities. With the LDOS PATCH (available from your LNW dealer), diskettes that were written using the LX80 interface under LDOS (5-1/4" and 8" double or single-sided, single or double-density) can be read or written to with an LNW80 or LNDOUBLER 5/8 (with a speed-up kit) and the appropriate disk drives under LDOS 5.0 or 5.1. With the emergence of the standard of double-density, Apparat released NEWDOS80 version 2.0. This DOS was by far the most powerful and flexible system ever developed. It would interface not only 5-1/4" disk drives but, with the use of the LNDOUBLER 5/8, would interface both single and double-density (double-density required a speed-up kit on the TRS80 Mod I) 8-inch floppy disk drives, The only drawback of this outstanding system was the complexity of operation and the differences in syntax between TRSDOS 2.3 and NEWDOS. Microsystems Software had also developed a new DOS with the 8 inch and hard drive features, as well as adding many other powerful functions. This was to be called DOSPLUS 3.4. DOSPLUS 3.4 has become the standard DOS supplied with both the LNW80 and the LNDOUBLER 5/8 double-density adaptor. This DOS has the great advantage of simplicity. It matches TRSDOS syntax, has clear and concise documentation, and thus, is a good DOS for the first-time owner. Looking at the Various Disk Operating Systems There are two important points to note at this juncture: NOTE 1 Some of the operating systems that will operate on the TRS80 will not support the 4MHz CPU speed of the LNW80. Some of the operating systems may operate at the 4HMz speed with special configuration of the operating system. Others will operate at the high speed, but will not properly boot (reset) at the high speed. For these reasons, we recommend that the HIGH/LOW speed switch on the keyboard be set to LOW (down) before booting a previously untested DOS. Table 11.0 lists the known compatible systems. NOTE 2 The double-density disks created on the following DOSes are not necessarily read/write compatible with each other. Of all the DOSes listed, only MULTIDOS has the ability to read the formats of the other operating systems (note that MULTIDOS will not read double-sided or 8 inch formats). Single-density disks created using any of the operating systems listed in Table 11.0 are, for the most part, fully interchangeable. Table 11.0 - LNW80 Compatible DOSes
4MHZ |
S = system disk, D = data disk, SD = single-density, DD = double-density DUAL = dual-sided drive support 1 = Double Zapii from Software Etc. required 2 = LDOSPATCH from LNW Research required The Top Five Operating Systems TRSDOS 2.3 DOSPLUS 3.4 NEWDOS80 U 2.0 LDOS 5.0 AND 5.1 MULTIDOS TRSDOS 2.3 While probably the most popular of all the DOSes, TRSDOS is the simplest, will only operate with single-density, 5-1/4" 35-track floppy drives and has a limited BASIC as well as a limited set of library commands. The TRSDOS manual is by far the finest piece of documention written on any of these operating systems and is available at Radio Shack stores around the world: TRSDOS & DISK BASIC Reference Manual For the TRS80 TRSDOS 2.3 Disk BASIC Version 2.2 LNWBASIC is fully compatible with the DISK BASIC in TRSDOS 2.3. DOSPLUS 3.4 DOSPLUS 3.4 is a powerful, easy-to-use system that is well documented and is fully TRSDOS compatible. DOSPLUS 3.4 was supplied on either a 5-1/4 inch 35 track double-density system disk, OR An 8 inch double-density 77 track system disk with your LNW80 computer. In order to make a back-up copy, simply use the BACKUP command while referring to the first six pages of the DOSPLUS 3.4 USER manual. Eight-inch Data Disks In order to tell the operating system that you have installed an eight-inch drive on your system, DOSPLUS 3.4 requires that you use the CONFIG command. The following example assumes that an eight-inch drive is installed at position 3. 1. For Eight-inch Single-sided type: CONFIG :3 (SIZE=8,SIDES=1)For Eight-inch Double-sided type: CONFIG :3 (SIZE=8,SIDES=2) 2. Next type: CONFIG (SAVE) The CONFIG command can also be used to set the LNW80 computer to inverse video on power up. This is done by typing CONFIG :0 (MODE=1) and then typing CONFIG (SAVE) To restore to standard video on power up, type: CONFIG :0 (MODE=0) and then: CONFIG (SAVE) For more details on the CONFIG command, refer to page 32 of the DOSPLUS 3.4 USER MANUAL. DOSPLUS 3.4 and LNWBASIC LNWBASIC is 100% compatible with DOSPLUS 3.4. In order to bring a program written in LNWBASIC to execute automatically, create a DO file using the BUILD command. For example, say we wanted to automatically power up and run a demonstration program called DEMO/LNW. First we would create a DO file like this: BUILD DEMO:0 After the system asks you to type in commands of 64 characters or less: LNWBASIC RUN "DEMO/LNW" Using the AUTO library command, now make the DO file execute on BOOT or power up: AUTO DO DEMO Now the demo program will run automatically when your DOSPLUS disk with LNWBASIC is booted. NEWDOS80 VERSION 2.0 BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO USE THIS OPERATING SYSTEM, READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY! This operating system is by far the most powerful of the operating systems that will run on the LNW80 computer. It has so many options and features that it can leave many owners lost attempting to sift through the huge manual. The manual, like the operating system, is not intended for the first-time computer owner, and if you can read faithfully through the second page, you are instructed to spend a couple of hours reading through the manual before even touching the diskette. It is the first 50 pages in the manual that provide the key to the operation of the DOS, and we recommend that you slowly read through these first two sections before even attempting to use the DOS. NEWDOS80 System Configuration When using NEWDOS80 V2 at the high CPU speed (HIGH/LOW UP and AUTO SWITCHING DOWN) the SYSTEM option BJ must be set to 3. In order to set this, boot a copy of the MASTER system disk (not write protected) with the HIGH/LOW switch set to the low position. Type: SYSTEM,0,BJ=3 Now RESET your computer again before proceeding. You may now use this system disk (or copies made from it) with the HIGH/LOW switch set to the high position (mandatory for 8 inch drives). Disk Drives and NEWDOS80 Version 2.0 NB: Proper 8 inch operation requires that ZAPS up to and including 047 must be applied to the NEWDOS80 system disk. If you are in doubt, contact Apparat Inc. or your computer dealer. LNW Research cannot distribute this zap information. Also, since proper electrical configuration of your drives must be assured BEFORE proceed, you must have operated your drives under DOSPLUS 3.4 before attempting to use any other operating system. NEWDOS80 2.0 allows the programmer a tremendous degree of flexibility in choosing the type of disk drive to be used with the system. Disks can be set as single-density, double-density, any number of tracks, 5-1/4 and 8 eight-inch, single or double-sided. Configuring the operating system such that it knows what type of drives you have connected to your LNW80 is accomplished with the PDRIVE library command. This is a more complex form of the CONFIG command in DOSPLUS. Section 2.37, on pages 2 - 33 of the NEWBOS80 manual, details just how to use this command. You will notice that LNW has its own interface setting TI=E. This means that although your system will boot with the TI=A setting, as set on the diskette supplied from Apparat, in order to use double-density or 8 inch disk drives, the TI=E flag must be set for ALL of the drives (all 10 of them) REGARDLESS of whether or not you have a drive at that position. Double-density, single-density, 5 inch, 8 inch, single-sided, dual-sided system disks can be made by correctly setting the PDRIVE specification and using the correct form of the COPY command. To simplify things a bit, the following sections will illustrate just how to make some of the most common forms of SYSTEM as well as DATA disks. Backing Up Before proceeding, lets make sure that we have made a "back-up" of our one and only copy of the NEWDOS80 V 2 SYSTEM DISK. How to make a backup is found on pages 1 - 4. Since there is no BACKUP command, the COPY command is used: for SINGLE drive system configuration COPY,0,0,,FMT,USD for MULTIPLE drive configuration COPY,0,l,,FMT,USD Now, using the backup copy of the operating system, a double-density system disk can be made. Making a NEWDOS80 2.0 Double Density 5-1/4" System Disk The NEWDOS80 VERSION 2.0 system disk comes in single-density format and requires that a DOUBLE-DENSITY SYSTEM DISK be created using the procedure which follows. Read the section in the NEWDOS80 2.0 manual on PDRIVE specification (pages 2 – 33) before proceeding, and do not attempt to create a double-density system disk without reading the following instructions. Going to double-density is not as simple as just changing the pdrive specifications for your single-density diskette. A NEW diskette must be created! Instructions l. Insert the backup NEWDOS80 system disk into drive 0 and put the master system disk away. 2. After each of the following commands in STEP 3,the system will respond by listing the PDRIVE specifications for all drives and also print an error message. Wait for the NEWDOS80 READY prompt and then type in the next command. Do not reset the computer until instructed to. Resetting the computer with an error in the PDRIVE specifications will result in the destruction of your system diskette. 3. Type in the following commands and then return : PDRIVE 0,0,TI=E,TC=40 PDRIVE 0,l,TI=EK,TD=E,TC=39,SPT=18 PDRIVE 0,2=0 PDRIVE 0,3=0 PDRIVE 0,4=0 PDRIVE 0,5=0 PDRIVE 0,6=0 PDRIVE 0,7=0 PDRIVE 0,8=0 PDRIVE 0,9=0,A The error message should disappear after the last entry is made. If it does not, redo the entire procedure, exercising more care this time. Once this process is complete, the DOUBLE DENSITY system disk can be generated. Multiple Drive Systems 1. Insert a blank diskette in drive 1 2. Type COPY 0 1,,CBF Type "Y" to FORMAT prompt and "Y" to the SYSTEM 0 prompt. Enter return to the DESTINATION DRIVE prompt. 3. When the copy is done, type DIR :1 You should be able to verify that there are considerably more granules (grans) free on the new double-density disk than on the single-density system disk in drive 0. 4. Remove the system disk from drive 0 and replace it with the newly created double-density system disk from drive 1. Press RESET and now the double-density disk should boot. Type: PDRIVE 0 Notice that the pdrive specifications for both drive 1 and drive 0 are the same (double-density). Single Drive Systems With the system disk in drive 0 type: COPY,0,0,,FMT,USD,CBF,DPDN=l The system will instruct you when to remove the source disk and insert the destination (blank) disk. Follow as instructed, remembering that your original diskette is the source and the blank diskette is the destination diskette. Usa great care not to become confused as to which disk is which since you will have to do this several times. When the copy is complete, replace the system disk in drive 0 with the destination diskette and reset the system. Type DIR . More grans should be available on this newly created disk. Special Note NEWDOS80 2.0 does not have automatic density recognition as does DOSPLUS 3.3D, 3.4 and the zaps from CIRCLE J. This means that if you would like to look at the directory or copy files to and from or execute a file from a single-density diskette, you cannot do it without first changing the PDRIVE specifications on your NEWDOS80 2.0 drive 0 disk. Automatic density recognition for NEWDOS80 2.0 is available from TAS (The Alternate Source, 704 North Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing, MI., 48906 (517) 482-TAS0) under the product name of DDSD/CMD. Without this program, switching PDRIVE specifications manually can be done by typing: PDRIVE 0,1=3,A This assumes that drive 1 is the drive that the single-density disk will be inserted into. To change back to double-density on drive 1, simply type: PDRIVE 0,1=0,A This sets (or equates) the pdrive specifications for drive 1 to be the same as drive 0 (double-density). Other Types of Drives NEWDOS80 supports any type of disk drive from single-sided, single-density five inch to dual-sided eight-inch double-density. Even system disks can be made on any drive type. This flexibility offers potential problems for the uninitiated owner. The following should help clear up some possible points of confusion: Double-sided Disk Drives Going to dual-sided disk drives is similar to upgrading to double-density. A NEW diskette must be created using the correct PDRIVE spec. Eight-inch Disk Drives For proper double-density operation, the HIGH/LOW key on the keyboard must be UP and the AUTO SWITCHING control on the I/0 panel. By setting the PDRIVE specs as listed below, eight-inch system or data disks can be made. Making an Eight-inch System Disk with NEWDSO80 An eight-inch single or double-sided, single or double-density system disk can be created from the NEWDOS80 system disk created above (with NO write-protect tab). The following example assumes that an eight-inch drive is on drive 2 and a five-inch drive is on drive 0. 1. Depending on which type of disk you want to create type one of the following: For Single-density, 77 Track, Single-sided Eight-inch type: PDRIVE,0,2,TI=EH,TD=B,TC=77,SPT=l7,TSR=3,GPL=3,DDSL=17,DDGA=6 For Single-density, 77 Track, Double-sided Eight-inch type: PDRIVE,0,2,TI=EH,TD=D,TC=77,SPT=34,TSR=3,GPL=3,DDSL=17,DDGA=6 For Double-density, 77 Track, Single-sided Eight-inch type: PDRIVE,0,2,TI=EHK,TD=F,TC=76,SPT=30,TSR=3,GPL=3,DDSL=17,DDGA=4 For Double-density, 77 Track, Double-sided Eight-inch type: PDRIVE,0,2,TI=EHK,TD=H,TC=76,SPT=60,TSR=3,GPL=3,DDSL=17,DDGA=4 2. The complete PDRIVE table should have been displayed. If an error was indicated, then either you do not have the proper PDRIVE settings OR you do not have ZAPS up to and including 047 installed on your system disk. 3. RESET the computer. 4. Install a blank 8 inch disk in drive 2 and type: COPY,0,2,,CBF,NDMW,FMT 5. Once the format and copy are complete, this new eight-inch disk drive can be booted by: a. Changing the drive select such that an eight-inch drive is set for drive 0. b. Change the position of the 5/8 switch on the LNDOUBLER 5/8 circuit board inside the LNW80 such that it is set to the 8 position. This means the switch lever faces AWAY from the floppy disk connector. c. Reset the computer (make sure that the computer has had power applied for at least 10 seconds). 77 or 80 Track 5-1/4 Inch Drives and NEWDOS80 If you have ONLY this type of drive, a special system disk must be obtained from Apparat since the standard 35 track diskette cannot be used as a system disk on reset. List of the Most Common NEWDOS80 PDRIVE Specifications System Disks
5 SINGLE 35 1 E A 35 10 3 2 17 2 5 SINGLE 35 2 E C 35 20 3 2 17 2 5 SINGLE 40 1 E A 40 10 3 2 17 2 5 SINGLE 40 2 E C 40 20 3 2 17 2 5 SINGLE 80 1 E A 80 10 3 2 35 2 5 SINGLE 80 2 E C 80 20 3 2 35 2 5 DOUBLE 35 1 EK E 34 18 3 2 17 2 5 DOUBLE 35 2 EK G 34 36 3 2 17 2 5 DOUBLE 40 1 EK E 39 18 3 2 17 2 5 DOUBLE 40 2 EK G 39 36 3 2 17 2 5 DOUBLE 80 1 EK E 79 18 3 2 35 4 5 DOUBLE 80 2 EK G 79 36 3 2 35 4 8 SINGLE 77 1 EH B 77 17 3 3 17 6 8 SINGLE 77 2 EH D 77 34 3 3 17 6 8 DOUBLE 77 1 EHK F 76 30 3 3 17 4 8 DOUBLE 77 2 EHK H 76 60 3 3 17 4
Data Disks When using diskettes simply for storing data, the following formats will increase slightly your storage space over the above system disk capacity. If possible, stay with the above formats and STANDARDIZE on the formats that you use such that you do not forget which PDRIVE spec is used on which diskette. This will reduce frustration later when reviewing old diskettes. Use the FORMAT command in NEWDOS80 with the correct PDRIVE specification to properly initialize data diskettes (even when using the above formats).
5 SINGLE 35 1 E A 35 10 3 2 17 2 5 SINGLE 35 2 E C 35 20 3 2 17 2 5 SINGLE 40 1 E A 40 10 3 2 17 2 5 SINGLE 40 2 E C 40 20 3 2 17 2 5 SINGLE 80 1 E A 80 10 3 2 35 2 5 SINGLE 80 2 E C 80 20 3 2 35 2 5 DOUBLE 35 1 E E 35 18 3 2 17 2 5 DOUBLE 35 2 E G 35 36 3 2 17 2 5 DOUBLE 40 1 E E 40 18 3 2 17 2 5 DOUBLE 40 2 E G 40 36 3 2 17 2 5 DOUBLE 80 1 E E 80 18 3 2 35 2 5 DOUBLE 80 2 E G 80 36 3 2 35 25 8 SINGLE 77 1 EH B 77 17 3 3 17 6 8 SINGLE 77 2 EH D 77 34 3 3 17 6 8 DOUBLE 77 1 EH F 77 30 3 3 17 4 8 DOUBLE 77 2 EH H 77 60 3 3 17 4
LNWBASIC and NEWDOS80 2.0 LNWBASIC is fully compatible with NEWDOS80 2.0. In order to run LNWBASIC, simply type: LNWBASIC. To chain automatic execution of programs written in LNWBASIC, the programmer can either chain together the commands in a DO file (like DOSPLUS 3.4) using the CHAINBLD/BAS program or a simple one-line command can be used to bring up the program: LNWBASIC RUN"DEMO/LNW"LDOS 5.0 AND 5.1 Before attempting to use this DOS, please read this section carefully! NOTE: LDOS WILL NOT BOOT AT THE HIGH CPU SPEED OF THE LNW80 COMPUTER ALWAYS MAKE SURE THAT THE HIGH/LOW SWITCH IS DEPRESSED PRIOR TO RESETTING THE SYSTEM LDOS is a powerful and well-documented operating system for the LNW80. It is a good system for the first-time owner since it uses the same syntax as TRSDOS 2.3 yet offers quite a few additional features. As supplied from Logical Systems Inc., LDOS will operate with 5 inch single or double-density, single or double-sided disk drives. LDOS is supplied on two single-density, single-sided diskettes. These diskettes should be backed up according to the instructions supplied in the owner manual's introductory section BEFORE using LDOS. Disregard the constant mention of the LX80 interface when it is referenced in their manual. This interface can only be used with the TRS80 Model I. A program called LDOSPATCH is available from your dealer. This program allows the LNW80 computer and LDOS to operate with 5 or 8 inch disk drives in single or double-density and single and double-sided operation fully compatible with the LX80 interface. LDOSPATCH also provides AUTO DENSITY recognition such that either single or double-density diskettes can be read with the density set automatically by the operating system. Setting the LDOS System The SYSTEM library command allows the programmer to configure many parameters in LDOS. The system FAST command does allows the LNW80 to operate (except on reset) at the high CPU speed. It unfortunately has one bad side effect, - it turns on inverse video. This can be eliminated by outputting OUT 254,0 during BASIC. LNWBASIC and LDOS The resident DISK BASIC on LDOS is called LBASIC. Its name on the diskette creates an incompatibility with LNWBASIC. In order to use LNWBASIC with LDOS, LBASIC must be renamed in the directory. Type in the statement below exactly as shown. RENAME LBASIC/CMD.RS0LT0FF TO BASIC/CMD Note: The character between the S and L and again between the T and F is a ZERO and not "O". The mechanism for bringing up a program written in LNWBASIC to automatically run (CHAIN or AUTO) DOES NOT WORK in LDOS. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT LNWBASIC WILL NOT WORK IN LDOS, IT MEANS THAT AUTOMATIC EXECUTION OF A BASIC PROGRAM WRITTEN IN LNWBASIC CANNOT BE DONE. Using Eight-inch and Double-density For proper double-density operation on EIGHT INCH drives the HIGH/LOW key on the keyboard must be UP and the AUTO SWITCHING control on the I/0 panel should be down. Important Note: Since proper electrical configuration of your drives must be assured BEFORE proceed, you must have operated your drives under DOSPLUS 3.4 before attempting to use any other operating system. LDOSPATCH provides the necessary routines to allow LDOS to support all the common disk drive types. To use LDOSPATCH, simply copy the program called LPATCH/CMD from the LDOSPATCH diskette to your working LDOS system disk using the copy command. When you have it copied, your drive settings can then be configured by typing: LNW (N0,N1,N2,N3) Where N0 indicates the drive size for the drive at location 0 (5 or 8), Nl indicates either 5 or 8 at drive position 1, etc. For example, if you had five inch drives at 0 and 1 and eight-inch drives at 2 and 3 you would enter the following: LNW (5,5,8,8) Remember that for 8 inch double-density operation, the HIGH/LOW switch must be high and the AUTO SWITCH must be set low. Refer to the instructions supplied with LDOSPATCH for more information concerning its use. Limitations of LDOS Eight-inch SYSTEM disks cannot be made using the BACKUP utility in LDOS from a 5 inch master. A single-density 8" system disk is available (referred to as OMIKRON format) from Logical Systems Inc. for those that only have eight-inch disk drives. ONLY single-density system disks are available for 8 and 5 inch systems. MULTIDOS MULTIDOS MULTIDOS is so named because of a unique feature of supporting the different double-density disk formats that are used by NEWDOS80, DOSPLUS, DOUBLEDOS, LDOS and others. MULTIDOS also features a very powerful disk basic called SUPERBASIC. MULTIDOS is quite simple to use and is very much like TRSDOS 2.3 in syntax. MULTIDOS is also compatible with LNWBASIC, and a chained DO file can be used (as with DOSPLUS) to automatically bring a BASIC application program up and running. SECTION 12: COMPATIBILITY FEATURES OF THE LNW80 Introduction It has been more the rule than the exception that new microcomputers which introduce new hardware also introduce a whole new software system. This has led to a great diversification of hardware and software in the growth of the microcomputer. Enter the exception! The LNW80 stands at a new juncture in computer development. While providing new hardware features which allow greater disk drive support ( 5-1/4" or 8" single or double-headed drives operating under single or double-density), and color high resolution graphics, the LNW80 remains faithful to proven software. Rather than starting out on a new evolutionary limb, the LNW80 stands along side that software which has had a precocious development since the birth of the TRS80 Model I. Supporting ALL software ever conceived for the Model I, the LNW80 will also accept Model II and Model III file use with the aid of the CONVERT utility in DOSPLUS 3.4, which is supplied with the documentation. LNWBASIC is upward compatible with all of the disk BASICs which evolved under the TRS80 Model I umbrella. Model II BASIC files may be transferred across to the LNW80 using a variation of the CONVERT command. LNWBASIC retains close similarity to TRS COLOR BASIC. LNWBASIC goes on to offer you many more functions, such as changing key function (DEFKEY), conditional loops (DO UNTIL), locating strings in files (LOG.), saving graphics memory to disk (PSAVE) and many others. DOSPLUS 3.4 CONVERT Command DOSPLUS allows the conversion of both the TRS80 Model II (8 inch double-density) AND Model III (5-1/4 inch double-density) disks to DOSPLUS on the LNW80 (any drive type and any density). Converting TRS80 Model III Disks to DOSPLUS DOSPLUS 3.4 allows the conversion of files that were created on the Model III with TRSDOS Versions l.l, 1.2 or 1.3. In order to copy files across to a DOSPLUS formatted diskette, type: CONVERT FILENAME :S :D (V13) where S is the source drive number, D is the destination drive number and (V13) is an optional flag to indicate that the source disk is a Version 1.3 format (not necessary if 1.1 or 1.2). Filename is a wild card mask that allows you to select either a file name, extension or part of a file name, or if no file name is entered, the entire disk will be converted. Note that not all TRS80 Model III programs are fully compatible with the LNW80 computer. For more details, refer to page 84 of your DOSPLUS 3.4 user manual. Eight Inch Drives For proper double-density operation, the HIGH/LOW key on the keyboard must be UP and the AUTO SWITCHING control on the I/0 panel should be down. Eight-inch System Disks DOSPLUS 3.4 is also available on an 8 inch double-density SYSTEM DISK. On this disk is a program called CONV2/CMD. This program allows the conversion of programs from Radio Shack Model II disks to DOSPLUS on the LNW80. BASIC programs must be stored in ASCII format to be converted properly. NOTE THAT THERE ARE SOME DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MODEL2 BASIC and the LNWBASIC. Other ASCII files, such as SCRIPSIT files (not the program) can also be transferred using this program. The program can be used in two ways: 1. Convert entire disk by typing: CONV2 :S :D where S is the number of the source disk drive and D is the number of the destination disk drive. 2. Convert one program at a time by typing: CONV2 FILESPEC:S :D where FILESPEC is the name of the file or program to be converted, S is the source drive and D is the number of the destination drive. CONV2/CM3 is also available on a 35 track single-density data disk. Contact your LNW dealer for additional details. Color Mapping - TRS80 Black/White Games in Color While MAP/BAS may be used as a color "etch-a-sketch" type program, one of the uses to which this program may also be put is to take to take graphics games written for the TRS80 Model I and convert them to color. This is done in a 3-step process. 1. Load in the TRS80 game with the color monitor connected. While running the program, mark the different areas of the screen that you would like to see appear as different colors with a grease pencil or erasable felt tip marker. 2. Run the MAP/BAS program from LNWBASIC. Move the cursor to the left top edge of the rectangular region to be set and mark that point using selection 1. Then move the cursor to the bottom rightmost point of the rectangular color region and mark that using selection 2. Now, using selection 3, set the region to your desired color. Continue to map all the color regions that you desire. Now save the final mapped screen to disk using the name of your game as a guide (i.e. ANDROID/GRF for the ANDROID/NIM game). 3. Now create a BLD file which: a. Loads LNWBASIC b. PLOAD" your file" c. Sets the LNW80 to NODE2 d. Exits LNWBASIC and loads and executes the machine-language game OR a. Runs your BASIC game. For the game called GAME/CMD and our color file named GAME/GRF, here is how the BLD file would appear: LNWBASIC PLOAD"GAME/GRF" MODE2 EXIT GAME/CMD In this manner your old TRS80 games will automatically load and run in beautiful living color! MAP/BAS Program Listing 10 CLEAR1000 20 CLS:PRINT"WELCOME TO THE COLOR MAP AND DRAW PROGRAM":PRINT 30 PRINT"0. CURSOR IS THE TINY FLASHING DOT (UPPER LEFT OF SCREEN)":PRINT"1, TYPE FROM MAP SCREEN TO ENTER SYSTEM MENU 40 PRINT"2. USE ARROWS TO DIRECT CURSOR 50 PRINT"3' DEPRESS THE HIGH/LOW SWITCH TO SLOW MOVEMENTS WHEN DESIRED 60 PRINT"4. EACH TIME THE SYSTEM MENU IS ENTERED, THE DRAW FUNCTION 70 PRINT" (SELECTION 8) IS TURNED OFF' 80 PRINT"5. LIFT FINGERS COMPLETELY OFF ARROWS TO CHANGE DIRECTION" 90 PRINT"6 THE SCREEN IS CLEARED EACH TIME THE PROGRAM IS RUN" 100 PRINT"7. YOU MUST USE A COLOR MONITORED WITH THIS PROGRAM" 110 PRINT:PRINT 120 INPUT"TO BEGIN THE PROGRAM DEPRESS ";X$ 130 CLS 140 FLS(191) 150 PCLS 160 MODE2 170 COLOR7 180 X=0:Y=0:X1=0:Y1=0 190 Cl=POINT(Xl,Yl):IFM8=1THENCl=C 200 PSETXl,Yl:A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN210ELSE230 210 I=I+1:IFI=5THENGOT0220ELSEGOT0200 220 I=0:COLOR0:PSETX1,Y1:COLOR7:GOT0200 230 IF A$=CHRS(10)THEN660 ELSE 240 240 IFA$=CHR$(91)THEN690 250 IFA$=CHR$(08)THEN720 260 IFA$=CHR$(09)THEN750 270 IFA$=" "ORA$=CHR$(13)THENGOT0290 280 GOTO 200 290 MODE0:CLS:C0=0:MS=0 300 PRINT"X,Y COORDINATES OF CURRENT CURSOR POSITION ARE ";X;",";Y 310 PRINT"X1,Y1 IS MARKED AS ";21;","'Z2 320 PRINT"X2,Y2 IS MARKED AS" 23;",0;24 330 PRINT"COLOR IS SET TO ";C 340 PRINT:PRINT"SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS:0:PRINT"1. MARK CURRENT CURSOR POSITION AS X1,Y1" 350 PRINT"2. MARK CURRENT CURSOR POSITION AS X2,Y2" 360 PRINT"3. SET COLOR VALUE AND MAP COLOR FIELD" 370 PRINT"4. SET CURSOR POINT TO NEW POSITIONS 380 PRINT"5 SET ENTIRE SCREEN TO A COLOR" 390 PRINT"6. LOAD SCREEN FROM DISK" 400 PRINT"7. SAVE SCREEN TO DISKS 410 PRINT"8. DRAW SCREEN FROM CURRENT CURSOR POSITION USING CURRENT COLOR" 420 PRINT" TO RETURN TO MAP SCREEN" 430 A$=INKEY$:IFA$=""THEN430 440 IF A$="1"THENGOT0540 450 IF A$="2"THENGOT0550 460 IF A$="3"THENGOT0560 470 IF A$="4"THENGoT0570 480 IF A$="5"TBENGOT0640 490 IFA$="6"THENGOT0630 500 IFA$="7"THENGOT0600 510 IF A$="8"THENGOT0650 520 IFA$=CHR$(13)THENGOT0590 530 GOTO 430 540 21=X:22=Y:FLS:MODE2:COLOR7:GOT0200 550 Z3=X:Z4=Y:GOT0290 560 INPUT"COLOR";C:COLORC:MODE2:LINEZ1,Z2,Z3,Z4,SET,BF:GOT0580 570 INPUT"X COORDINATE";X:INPUT"Y COORDINATE";Y:GOSUB780:FLS:GOT0200 580 FLS:MODE2:COLOR7!GOT0190 590 FLS:MODE2:COLOR7:GOT0200 600 INPUT"FILE NAME TO SAVE TO";F1$:MODE2 610 COLORCl:PSETXl,Yl 620 PSAVE F1$:GOT0290 630 INPUT"FILE NAME TO LOAD";F1$:PLOAD F1$:MODE2:FLS:GOT0190 640 INPUT"BACKGROUND COLOR (0- SET TO WHITE)";C3:MODE2:PCLS(C3):FLS:GOT0190 650 M8=1:INPUT"WRITE COLOR";C0:NODE2:FLS:GOTO200 660 Y=Y+1:IFY=192THENY=0'MOVE Y UP ONE 670 GOSUB 780 ’ CLEAR SCREEN AND WRITE NEW SCREEN 680 GOSUB S0 0: IFA=1THENGOT0660ELSEGOT0200 690 Y=Y-1:IFY=-1THENY=191 700 GOSUB 780 ' 710 GOSUB800:IFA=1THENGOT0690ELSEGOT0200 720 X=X-1:IFX=-1THENX=127 730 GOSUB 780 740 GOSUB800:IFA=lTHENGOT0720ELSEGOT0200 750 X=X+1:IFX=128THENX=0 760 GOSUB 780 770 GOSUB800:IFA=1THENGOT0750ELSEGOT0200 780 MODE2:COLORCl:PSETXl,Yl:COLORH:Cl=POINT(X,Y):PSETX,Y:Xl=X:Y1= Y:COLOR7:PSETX,Y:IFM8=0THENRETURNELSECl=C0 790 RETURN 800 A=PEEK(&H38FF):IFA=0THENRETURNELSEA=1 810 A=1:RETURN LNWBASIC and TRS EXTENDED COLOR BASIC Because of the hardware differences between the TRS COLOR computer and the LNW80, there are some differences between LNWBASIC and TRS EXTENDED COLOR BASIC. However, the similarities between the two remains most striking. Below is a table showing the similarity between the graphics commands, Table 12.0 - Similarity Between LNWBASIC & TRS EXTENDED COLOR BASIC Graphics.
Command | LNW80 | Color Computer |
Circle Color Draw Fill Screen Line Resolution Clear memory,set color Point Set, reset point |
CIRCLE (X,Y),R,HW,l,SP EP COLOR Cl,C2 DRAW + numerous options SCREEN LINE (Xl,Yl)-(X2,Y2) PSET(,B) PMODE X,Y PCLS X graphics POINT (X,Y) SET(X,Y(,C)) PRESET (X,Y) |
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