c [=1;7h Attribute test [SGR]  Primary Rendition  Increased Intensity  Decreased Intensity  Italics  Underscored  Slow Blink  Rapid Blink  Reversed Image  Concealed  Primary Rendition  Increased Intensity  Decreased Intensity  Italics  Underscored  Slow Blink  Rapid Blink  Reversed Image  Concealed Color test [SGR]  white  whiter  cyan  cyaner  green  greener  yellow  yellower  red  redder  violet  violeter  blue  bluer  black  blacker  white  whiter  cyan  cyaner  green  greener  yellow  yellower  red  redder  violet  violeter  blue  bluer  black  blacker  white  whiter  cyan  cyaner  green  greener  yellow  yellower  red  redder  violet  violeter  blue  bluer  black  blacker  white  whiter  cyan  cyaner  green  greener  yellow  yellower  red  redder  violet  violeter  blue  bluer  black  blacker Ins & Del Line tests [IL, DL]  Insert Line Delete Line Insert Line Delete Line Scroll test [SD, SU]     Ins & Del CHar tests [ICH, DCH, ECH]          [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ Erase CHar [ECH]   Erase in Line test [EL]     Cursor movement tests CUrsor Up [CUU] CUrsor Up [CUU] CUrsor Down [CUD] CUrsor Down [CUD] CUrsor Fwd [CUF] CUrsor Fwd [CUF] CUrsor Bkwrd [CUB] CUrsor Bkwrd [CUB] Cursor NL [CNL] Cursor NL [CNL] CUrsor Prv L [CPL] CUrsor Prv L [CPL] Cursor Hrz Abs [CHA] Cursor Hrz Abs [CHA] Repetition tests [REP]  [REP] [REP] Tab tests [TAB,CBT,CHT,CTC,TBC,CVT]    Cursor Hrz Tab [TAB] Cursor Hrz Tab [TAB] Cursor Hrz Tab [TAB] Cursor Hrz Tab [TAB] Page tests [NP, PP]  Wait a short time....  Subliminal Msg? Buy FANSI-CONSOLE! Wait a short time....     This is page 3 of however many there is...  This demo uses FANSI-CONSOLE (tm) A product of Hersey Micro Consulting, Inc. For the best effects, try this on a color display. Now back to page 1!   Erase in Display test     c  We have now established the area with the black background as the scrolling area. Within this area we can do any kind of scrolling using the normal scrolling escape sequences. If we just type beyond the bottom of this area we will force it to scroll. Also if we exceed the column width it will force the cursor to the start of the next line within the area. Watch this text scroll out of the area without affecting the surrounding white area. Now on to tests of relative addressing within the scrolling area: Attribute test [SGR] Primary Rendition Increased Intensity Decreased Intensity Italics Underscored Slow Blink Rapid Blink Reversed Image Concealed Primary Rendition Increased Intensity Decreased Intensity Italics Underscored Slow Blink Rapid Blink Reversed Image Concealed Color test [SGR]  white  whiter  cyan  cyaner  green  greener  yellow  yellower  red  redder  violet  violeter  blue  bluer  black  blacker  white  whiter  cyan  cyaner  green  greener  yellow  yellower  red  redder  violet  violeter  blue  bluer  black  blacker  white  whiter  cyan  cyaner  green  greener  yellow  yellower  red  redder  violet  violeter  blue  bluer  black  blacker  white  whiter  cyan  cyaner  green  greener  yellow  yellower  red  redder  violet  violeter  blue  bluer  black  blacker Ins & Del Line tests [IL, DL]  Insert Line Delete Line Insert Line Delete Line Scroll test [SD, SU]     Ins&Del CHar tests [ICH, DCH, ECH]          [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ [2@[2@ Erase CHar [ECH]   Erase in Line test [EL]     Cursor movement tests CUrsor Up [CUU] CUrsor Up [CUU] CUrsor Down [CUD] CUrsor Down [CUD] CUrsor Fwd [CUF] CUrsor Fwd [CUF] CUrsor Bkwrd [CUB] CUrsor Bkwrd [CUB] Cursor NL [CNL] Cursor NL [CNL] CUrsor Prv L [CPL] CUrsor Prv L [CPL] Cursor Hrz Abs [CHA] Cursor Hrz Abs [CHA] Repetition tests [REP]  [REP] [REP] Tab tests [TAB,CBT,CHT,CTC,TBC,CVT]    Cursor Hrz Tab [TAB] Cursor Hrz Tab [TAB] Cursor Hrz Tab [TAB] Cursor Hrz Tab [TAB] c