10 'UNDOBACK.BAS UNDO FILES FROM HARD DISK BACKUP COMMAND 20 KEY OFF:CLS:COLOR 0,7 30 LOCATE 5,33:PRINT " UNDOBACK.BAS " 40 LOCATE 7,31:PRINT " By Rich Schinnell ":COLOR 7,0:PRINT:PRINT 50 PRINT "A program for IBM DOS 2.0/2.1 60 PRINT "Fixed Disk owners, ie XT's and expansion chassis's" 70 PRINT "who use the IBM BACKUP utility on the DOS diskette 80 PRINT "and want to access files from their backup disks without 90 PRINT "doing a recover. The only exception: is a file which was saved part 100 PRINT "on one disk and part on another.. Sorry about that case ........ 110 PRINT "Maybe some sharper programmer can modify this program to check that" 120 PRINT "Press to quit enter ? for dir (eg..?B:*.* )" 130 DEFINT A-Z:FALSE=0:TRUE=NOT FALSE:ON ERROR GOTO 330 140 PRINT:PRINT:INPUT "What is input file name ";INFILE$ 150 IF LEN(INFILE$)<1 THEN 320 160 IF LEFT$(INFILE$,1)="?" THEN FILES MID$(INFILE$,2):GOTO 140 170 OPEN INFILE$ FOR INPUT AS #1:CLOSE 1 180 INPUT "What is output file name ";OUTFILE$ 190 OPEN OUTFILE$ FOR INPUT AS #2:CLOSE 2 200 PRINT "File ";OUTFILE$;" already exists, try another name please":GOTO 180 210 OPEN INFILE$ AS #1 LEN=1 220 FIELD #1,1 AS A$ 230 OPEN OUTFILE$ AS #2 LEN=1 240 FIELD #2,1 AS B$ 250 A=LOF(1):PRINT "Input file has";A;" Bytes in it" 260 FOR I=1 TO 128:GET #1:NEXT I 270 FOR I=129 TO A 280 GET #1,I:LSET B$=A$ 290 PUT #2:IF (I MOD 50)=0 THEN PRINT CHR$(15); 300 NEXT I 310 CLOSE:PRINT:PRINT "File ";OUTFILE$;" Successfully created " 320 KEY ON:END 330 IF ERL=170 THEN PRINT "file not found try again ":RESUME 140 340 IF ERL=190 THEN RESUME 210 350 PRINT "Error";ERR;" has occured in line #";ERL:RESUME 320