,( ,!2 " UNDO-128.BAS "< ,6F " By Rich Schinnell "CP ,,jZ " Rockville, MD (301) 949-8848 "td ,znx "A program for IBM DOS 2.0/2.1 Fixed Disk owners , ie XT's and" "expansion chassis's who use the IBM DOS 2.0 BACKUP.COM utility and"X "want to access files from their backup disks without Restore." "All files are restored up to the next 128 Byte boundry." "This cause absolutely no problems as DOS always reserves" "space in blocks of 512 for SS disks and 1024 for DS disks."a "Press to quit... Now Enter SINGLE Letter Drive for"k AZzFALSE% TRUE% FALSE% ZZZ! : ,,"Backup disk Location ";DR$: (DR$)   (DR$)   "DR$ DR$ ":"@, DR$"BACKUPID.@@@" AS #I6 #\@ DR$ "*.*"bJhT^ "File name to Recover (no Drive Designation) ";INFILE$h (INFILE$)   r #| DR$INFILE$ AS #  # DR$"BACKUPID.@@@" AS # / #, AS G$9 #B #wN$ ( ( (G$,,))) ( ( (G$,,)))N(N$)DTE$(((G$,,)))"-"(((G$,,)))"-"DTE$DTE$(((G$,,))) "This is your backup disk #"; N;" Dated ";DTE$ #< DR$INFILE$ AS # HC$ ""TD$ ""g #, AS A$v&A# ()0 "Input file has";A# ;" Bytes in it": #DC$ A$N I%  X ( (C$,I%,)) ! l b D$ D$ (C$,I%,)l I%4v ((C$,,))  w "This is Part 2 of";D$;" You must start with the first part": J ((C$,,))  ONLY.ONE%: : ,: "File on two Disks ,Insert backup disk #"; N;" When Instructed" : , : ` ("); (D$,,(); (");" Was the file name when backed up" "What do you want to name the output file ";OUTFILE$ (OUTFILE$)  J OUTFILE$ AS #  "File ";OUTFILE$;" already exists, verwrite ";" ": ";WELL$P WELL$ "O" WELL$ "o"   : Y  #w OUTFILE$ OUTPUT AS #  #* OUTFILE$ AS # 4 #, AS B$> ,H "Working ....";R ,\ I!  ((A#))f #,I!p B$ A$*z #,ZZZ!@ ZZZ! ZZZ! P ();Y I!o ONLY.ONE% u "Insert Backup Disk #";N ;" in drive ";DR$; " and press or uit ":R$  R$ ""  R$ "Q" R$ "q" : : # #H DR$"BACKUPID.@@@" AS # [ #, AS G$e #n #N1$ ( ( (G$,,))) ( ( (G$,,)))$N1(N1$). N1 N  B8 "WRONG DISK, TRY AGAIN You put in disk #"; N1 : B #+L DR$INFILE$ AS #3V Q` DR$INFILE$ AS # dj #, AS A$ptC$ ""|~D$ ""A# () "Input file has";A# ;" Bytes in it" # C$ A$ I%    ( (C$,I%,)) ! % D$ D$ (C$,I%,). I%BONLY.ONE% L \RX "File ";OUTFILE$;" created Size="; ((ZZZ!));" Bytes   , DR$"": " Not a Valid Backup Disk":: ( | DR$;INFILE$;" NOT FOUND ": #: +2   i< z "disk is Probably full, check the disk":  F L "Not found " : P "Error"; ;" has occured in line #"; Z