:***************************************************************************:* The File Output Program | FILEOUT.BAS Version 1.2 *4:*--------------------------------+----------------------------------------*(:* (C) Copyright 1982 | CREATED 02/28/82 UPDATED 04/12/82 *2:* Janadon Consumer Software | Written for the IBM Personal Computer *-<:* P.O.Box 2462 | with one disk drive/48K RAM/IBM PC *F:* Fairfax, VA 22031 | DOS/IBM PC Printer or Epson MX-80 or *P:* (703) 978-0866 (Voice) | MX-80F/T *&U:* (703) 978-9592 (Data) | Author: Don Withrow *yZ:***************************************************************************d::LINES:LINUMBERn"Enter the Filename: ",FILE$x FILE$"quit" FILE$"QUIT"  N0"Enter `1' for NORMAL print or `2' for COMPRESSED print: ",X: Ra"Do you want DOUBLESTRIKE letters (Y/N)";Y$ (Y$,)"Y" (Y$,)"y" DOUBLE : DOUBLE"How many blanks do you want to pad the left margin with";N LINLEN "Enter the file line length";LINLEN7"How many lines per page";PAGLENf"Do you want the pages numbered (Y/N)";Y$ (Y$,)"Y" (Y$,)"y" PAGING:"What is the starting page number";PAGE:: PAGING:PAGE"What page do you wish to start printing";STARTPAGE="What page do you wish to end printing";ENDPAGEh"Do you want line numbers? (Y/N) ",Y$ (Y$,)"Y" (Y$,)"y" NUMLIN:FORMAT$"##### \"(LINLEN," "):: NUMLIN:FORMAT$"\"(LINLEN," ")FORMAT1$FORMAT$(LINLEN," ")"\":FORMAT$FORMAT$"\""Do you require pauses to change the paper? (Y/N) ",Y$: (Y$,)"Y" (Y$,)"y" SHEETS : SHEETS "I", #, FILE$" #, THELIN$: () FLAG: 0, (THELIN$,)"\" 6 DOUBLE @,J@ () (G);: T1J () (H);hT PAGESTARTPAGE PAGE ENDPAGE N); : rV (THELIN$,)( ) (THELIN$,)( ) THELIN$(THELIN$,(THELIN$))Y NUMLIN ^,h^ FORMAT$; LINUMBER,THELIN$;: rh FORMAT$; THELIN$;[rLINUMBERLINUMBER:LINESLINES: LINESPAGLEN | : z|LINES: PAGING , PAGESTARTPAGE PAGE ENDPAGE : ((LINLENN))) PAGE:PAGEPAGE: ( ): :: PAGEPAGE: * PAGESTARTPAGE PAGE ENDPAGE ( )::  SHEETS : :"Change the Paper - - - Then Hit ",X$: : : (2," "): R FLAG  " PAGESTARTPAGE PAGE ENDPAGE  : rh (THELIN$,,)"%" (NPFACTOR));:THISLIN$()(G)() (E)(THELIN$,,(THELIN$)): NUMLIN ,::  FORMAT$;LINUMBER;THISLIN$:  FORMAT$;THISLIN$ () (F) () (H);: X (); r} (THELIN$,,)"@" (NPFACTOR));:THISLIN$()(G)()() (THELIN$,,(THELIN$)) (): NUMLIN ,:: & FORMAT$;LINUMBER,THISLIN$:  FORMAT$;THISLIN$ () () (H);: X (); r& (THELIN$,,)"#" 0 : D`0 PAGESTARTPAGE PAGEENDPAGE ILINES PAGLEN:: I~:LINUMBERLINUMBER: |D (THELIN$,,)"*" THELIN$(THELIN$,,(THELIN$)): 6:: 6N"Do you want to reformat the file (Y/N)";Y$+X (Y$,)"Y" (Y$,)"y" b : hb:"How many characters do you want on each line";LINLENl:"Enter the FILESPEC of the new file: ",FS$v "I", #, FILE$: "O", #, FS$:OLDLIN$"" #, THELIN$: () 4  (THELIN$,)"\" ! THELIN$" " < THELIN$( ) F { OLDLIN$"" NEWLIN$OLDLIN$:OLDLIN$"":  NEWLIN$THELIN$:  :  OLDLIN$"" (OLDLIN$,)" " OLDLIN$OLDLIN$" "NEWLIN$OLDLIN$THELIN$:OLDLIN$""0  (NEWLIN$)LINLEN OLDLIN$NEWLIN$: b  (NEWLIN$)LINLEN OLDLIN$"":  : ~  INDEXLINLEN    (NEWLIN$,INDEX,)" " OLDLIN$(NEWLIN$,INDEX,(NEWLIN$)INDEX) :  NEWLIN$(NEWLIN$,,INDEX):  >!  (OLDLIN$)LINLEN  : NEWLIN$OLDLIN$:OLDLIN$"": J! INDEXf!  #, NEWLIN$: NEWLIN$l!*!4  ::FILE$FS$!>:"Do you want to print the new file now? (Y/N) ",X$!H (X$,)"Y" (X$,)"y"  : #"R X () ();: "LPT1:",P:PFACTOR53ST"\ X ();: "LPT1:",:PFACTORZ"f