2:C.ITOH/NEC setup program --- P ---7:Author - Herb Shear, 1590 Vineyard Dr. Los Altos, CA 94022<: sets GREEK, Lmargin, Elite, skip over perfs.3A:ASSUME SW1:2,7; SW2:1,7;{B:ADVISE:Disconnect wire to pin 31 printer end of cable connector.C:SEE: SVCS Newsletter, Dec 1982.F PE$ ()Z "LPT1:" AS #: #,_:you can't talk to a deselected printer with PRINTYc ,: , : , : = LPRINT CHR$(17) = SELECTd #, E$"\"()() :clear EVERYTHING>n , , :loop on busy, ROM BIOS should do this ???? since it doesn't we'll do it rather than have the next dozen bytes go to the bit bucket.m #, E$"&" :greek character set #, E$"L008" :left margin in tenths #, E$"E" :elite type #, ()"A@"(:,"@")"C@@@@@@@@@@@@@A@"()D:--sets vertical format 60 print lines, 66 line form length -----:Sending a GS [CHR$(29)] alone resets the VFU program to the power on:default and establishes the current paper position as a top-of-form.%:The printer is expecting a VFU program and will `eat bytes' untilo:an invalid VFU program byte is encountered. Following the GS with:a space will prevent loss of print data. " PRINTER PROGRAMMED " "lpt1:",P :    "PRINTER NOT ON";: ,: J  "PRINTER DESELECTED";:, :  :SW1-5closed?X  u "ACEG": I :{ ,: J  "PRINTER DESELECTED";:, :  :SW1-5closed?X  u "ACEG": I