10 ' Program to output graphics test to the NEC 8023A-C Printer. 20 ' By Robert L. Hill, 7/12/82, 59 Gold St.,Rochester,N.Y. 14620 25 ' CompuServe 71455,1634 30 WIDTH "lpt1:",255 '-Sets length of line to 255--Supresses CR LF at end. 40 OPEN "lpt1:" AS #1 '-Opens printer for output in random mode. This does 50 ' not work in ver. 1.00 of BASIC where you would get 60 ' an error for line 40. By leaving line 40 out and 70 ' using LPRINT B$ in line 190 to output the string, 80 ' everything almost works except that BASIC adds a 90 ' CHR$(10) (line feed) after every CHR$(13) (carriage 100 ' return) in the string. Ver. 1.05 fixes this problem 110 ' by allowing output to the printer in random mode 115 ' with a width of 255, so all characters are sent to 120 ' the printer without change. 125 CLS 130 PRINT"This program tests the graphic print on the NEC 8023A printer." 140 LPRINT "graphic print" 150 LPRINT 160 LPRINT CHR$(&H1B);CHR$(&H54)"16"; 'Sets line spacing to 16/144 inch (8 dots) 170 ' 180 '----This section just sets up a string to send to the printer.------ 190 B$=CHR$(1) '-Initialize string with 00000001 as first code. 200 FOR X%=2 TO 255 '-This loop extends the string with each consecutive 210 A$=CHR$(X%) ' binary code from 00000010 to 11111111. This tests 220 B$=B$+A$ ' all the bit patterns for the printer and gives a 230 NEXT X% ' nice design when repeated as done below. 235 '------------------------------------------------------------------------- 240 '----This section prints the bit pattern in the string 10 times.------- 250 FOR L=1 TO 10 260 LPRINT CHR$(&H1B);CHR$(&H53);"0255"; 'select graphic mode (255 bytes) 270 PRINT#1,B$ 'Output the string to the printer. 280 LPRINT 'Send a carrage return (CR=CHR$(13)) + line fed (LF=CHR$(10)). 290 NEXT L '----------------------------------------------------------------- 300 'To get more condensed graphics add LPRINT CHR$(&H1B);CHR$(&H51); to front of program. 310 LPRINT CHR$(&H1B);"A"; 'Restore line spacing to normal. 320 END RINT CHR$(&H1B);CHR$(&H51); to front of program. 310 LPRINT CHR$(&H1B);"A";