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The TELCOM program allows the M10 to communicate
with another computer or host system. Connection
may be either direct, using the special null
modem connecting cable, or remote, by means of a
telephone line. There are substantial differences
between the M10 MODEM and the other versions.

There are two operating modes in TELCOM, Entry
and Terminal. When you access TELCOM you are
automatically in Entry mode.


This mode allows you to access Terminal mode, to
select the communications parameters and provides
the M10 MODEM with the auto-dial option.
In Entry mode, the function keys have the
following role:

F1 (Find) - M10 MODEM only.
This key allows you to find any entry
in the ADRS.DO file.
F2 (Call) - M10 MODEM only.
Gives automatic dialling of a number
contained in the ADRS.DO file or
manual dialling from the keyboard.
F3 (Stat) -  This lists the current communications
parameters and enables you to modify
F4 (Term) -  Changes the mode to terminal.
F8 (Menu) -  Returns you to the main menu.


This mode is used for all data communications
operations. The function keys in Terminal are as

F1 (Prev) - Displays the previous eiqht
lines of text on the screen.

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