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The SCHEDL application program allows the user to
set up a daily schedule of activities and
notebook containing all important information
concerning appointments, travels, expenses etc.
This information can be arranged and presented in
a variety of ways using the SCHEDL program. The
essentials of using this program are as follows:

1. Access TEXT and create the file NOTE.DO.

2. Enter your list of appointments, meetings,
expenses, travel, items reguiring action
and, indeed, anything that is relevant to
organising your day. Keep entries neat and
easy to read. It is good practice to prefix
entries by the date and time. They can also
be prefixed by a symbol to identify the entry
as an appointment, an item requiring
attention, an expense etc.

3. Press <ENTER> after each entry to keep them

4. You can now at any time access SCHEDL and use
the function keys to examine selectively
the contents of the NOTE.DO file.


F1(Find) - Used as in TEXT.
Type in the target string and press
<ENTER>. All entries in which the
target string occurs are displayed on
the screen. By using the code symbol
for appointments, for example, as
target string you will obtain a list
of your appointments.
F5 (Lfnd) - Identical to F1 , except that the
result is output on the printer.
F8 (Menu) -  Returns the user to the main menu.

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