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This application allows the user to set up and
maintain an easily accessible address book. In
the case of the M10 MODEM, the TELCOM program has
access to the ADRS.DO file and can use the
information in it for automatic dialling of a
number and automatic log-on to a host computer.
The use of the ADDRSS program can be summarised
as follows:

1. Access TEXT and create the file ADRS.DO.

2. Enter the names, telephone numbers and addres-
ses you need in this file in the following

Name : telephone number : address

The number must be preceded and followed by a
colon (:) if the autodial and auto log-on
options on the Ml0 MODEM are to be used.

3. Press <ENTER> after each entry to allow the
computer to distinguish between entries.

4. You can now at any time access ADDRSS and use
the function keys to examine selectively the
contents of the ADRS.DO file.


F1 (Find) - Used as in TEXT.
Type in the target string and press
<ENTER>. All entries containing the
specified string are displayed on the
screen. If you have used codes,
entering the code as target string
provides a list of all entries
prefixed by that code.
F5 (Lfnd) - Identical to F1, except that the
result is output at the printer.
F8 (Menu) -  Returns the user to the main menu.

By using code letters in the entries, they can be
grouped by category (e.g. profession, geographi-
cal location etc.).

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