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F1 File Lists on the screen all the tiles
on the menu
F2 Load Used to load a file from an
external device (e.g. a cassette
tape recorder) or from RAM
F3 Save Saves the current program to an
external device such as a cas-
sette tape recorder or to RAM
F4 Run Runs the current program
F5 List Lists the current program on the
F6  Not used
F7  Not used
F8 Menu  Returns to the main menu
PASTE  Inserts the contents of the PASTE
buffer at the location of the
LABEL  Displays the functions of F1-F8
on the screen
PAUSE  Halts the program momentarily;
program can be resumed by press-
ing <PAUSE> again
Stops execution of the program

Table 2 Function Keys in Direct Mode

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