This is an original LNW80. The Reference manual is on top.
This is the System Expansion board. The power supply section is
modified for a external switching supply. The small board is a
software baudrate switch. The doubler is a Percom clone.
Apart from the power supply this board is almost unchanged.
The modifications are: 64 kByte RAM on board, 50Hz display
frequency and a sync stabilizer. The normal Eproms are partially
exchanged for a Level 1 Basic (Probably the only Level 1 LNW in
the world :-) ).
This is my "original" LNW. The keyboard is Tandy, the case
Aster (Dutch model 1 clone builder). This system is modified to
a great extend (extra keys, RAM selector, 192 KByte RAM,
4 Hires pages. More on this later.)
My all time favorite LNW graphic