Holborn Factory |
The modest origin of the Holborn computers.
Production line |
This is a picture of the production line in an early stage. The first product of
Holborn was the 9110 Z80 based system (large cabinets below the terminals on the right)
supporting four users called HOS. The terminals
already had the characteristic shape, but the internals were repackaged Behives, still
recognisable at the front. Later an own terminal board was developed.
The right man in the front is the founder of Holborn, Hans Polak.
Personal Computer |
The single user 6100 system was later development, adding a Z80 mainboard to
the terminal console. Add CP/M and the MicroPro suite (WordStar, MailMerge, CalcStar),
and there is a typical office PC, but one with a very futuristic look.