Bill, One more thing. I snapped a photo of the tail end of the BIN Loader segment of that FOCAL Combined paper tape (attached, below) before I sent it to you. On hand dis-assembling it, it looks like it is probably a self-starting Binary Loader. So when you want to load that FOCAL tape, just toggle in the RIM Loader, and position this tape on the leader section of the Binary Loader in the paper tape reader. Lastly, load address 7756 and then hit START on the PDP-8 front panel. Once the BIN Loader has been loaded, RIM Loader should automatically jump into it and read in the FOCAL-69 section. BIN Loader will halt when it reaches the end of the FOCAL-69 section. If the Accumulator is all zeros at this point (ignore the Link) then the checksum passed and the tape read correctly. You can then start FOCAL-69, I believe at address 0200 but check the documentation to be sure. If the Accumulator is not 0000 then a read error has occurred and you will need to re-read the tape. You could do this by either: *) Back up the paper tape to the small gap of leader between the BIN Loader section and the FOCAL-69 section then hit START on the PDP-8 front panel *) Patch the RIM Loader to fix the change that self-starting BIN Loader made. On the assumption that you use the tape in your pop-8/e which I guess has more memory, when the BIN Loader stops at the end of the FOCAL-69 section you can just hit CONTinue on the front panel and it will proceed to load the next section of the tape, which should be the 4-User Overlay. Again, the tape should stop in the next section of leader with the Accumulator = 0000. Best, Steve Tockey