[February 4, 2004] 0.026 - Added a more interesting About form to the program. New release to the public. [January 25, 2004] 0.025.7 - Got the modify option on the Filename Builder form working. - Added the window save routine to the Filename Builder and the Create New D64 forms. - Added an option to copy filenames from a D64 into the Separator Builder. - Added Ray Knight's code to display the track/sector location below the BAM of where the mouse is currently located. [January 3, 2004] 0.025.6 - Fixed the Filename Builder form to not display the separators menu if the separators listbox isn't visible. [December 18, 2003] 0.025.5 - Added functions to Move and Remove entries in the Separator list. [December 18, 2003] 0.025.4 - Added and modified Felix Vazquez' code to read/write Separator lines to the Filename Builder form. You can use it to create as many custom separator lines as you want and put them into the D64. The file containing the separator lines is located in the Windows directory and called d64editor-separators.cfg [December 16, 2003] 0.025.3 - Fixed bug with Separator Lines failing to copy into Memory. - Modified filename builder to be usable for forms other than File Properties. [December 16, 2003] 0.025.2 - Added a Filename Builder to make it easy to use non-standard ASCII in filenames. (not completed but it's a start) - Added Felix Vazquez' revised Create New D64 Code (Substantial improvement to my code!). Now you can specify the Diskname/ID of the D64 that you're creating. [December 16, 2003] 0.025.1 - Added functions to allocate and de-allocate the BAM - Added Felix Vazquez' code to add an ASCII viewer to the Block Editor - Added functions to move forward/back a block in the Block Editor [November 9, 2002] 0.025 - New version release - I'm getting married in a week! (November 16) [October 7, 2002] 0.024.5 - Fixed bug with D64's starting with 0'ed directory entries not reading the entire directory (very very rarely occured). - Changed File Export to check for existing files, and put "_copy" onto the filename if it does exist. [September 12, 2002] 0.024.4 - Fixed bugs in my T64 importing code [September 11, 2002] 0.024.2 - Fixed bug with drag&drop importing a file twice after using the File Import menu option. - Fixed false warning message that there are changes that haven't been saved, even when there had been no changes made. [September 10, 2002] 0.024.1 - Added preliminary support for importing T64 files. It should should work fine on any T64 file that only contains 1 directory entry. - Added converter to convert from PETASCII->ASCII in the SEQ Viewer. Select the option in the Configuration menu. [January 7, 2002] 0.024 - Fixed bug with saving the location of the main form when hitting X to exit the program. - Changed drag and drop code to identify when dragging non-D64 files and to import those files into the D64. - Added code to notify user when loading a new D64 if the previous D64 hasn't been saved since changes had been made to it. - Added code to edit the error blocks on 35 track D64's containing error info. [September 4, 2001] 0.023 - Changed crosslink file check to ignore files located on Track 18. - Added lots of keyboard shortcuts and tabstops to make the program easier to navigate using only the keyboard. [July 1, 2001] 0.022 - Fixed bug that prevented you from cancelling wiping a file that started on the DIR track. - Fixed program so that the D64 doesn't get saved immediately anymore when you Import files into the D64 by changing the program to apply all changes to a temporary file. Now none of the changes you make to the D64 take permanent effect until you actually SAVE the D64. - Added a Revert menu option to Revert to the last saved version of the D64 file. - Added options to move a file to the top or bottom of the directory [April 24, 2001] 0.021 - Added code for file associations. If you associate the D64 filetype with the program you can double click on D64's to load them. You can also put a shortcut to the D64editor.exe in your \%windows%\SendTo\ folder and then right click on D64's and send them to the program. - Added an 80 column mode to the SEQ viewer. - Added an option to customize the Seperator Line filename - Added an option to copy files into memory - Fixed the filename display on the SEQ viewer when loading SEQ files not contained within D64's. - Fixed minor bug with File Import that made it impossible to completely fill the D64. [March 22, 2001] 0.020 - Fixed bug with changing the block size of files within the D64. - Added code to check for the 3 required font files, will display an error message if any are missing. - Added the option to load SEQ files from the main load button, making it possible to view SEQ files that aren't in a D64. - Added more buttons to the main form [December 26, 2000] 0.019 - Fixed possible crash bug with file import function when importing files larger than 255 blocks - Added additional filename filters to the file import function - Added a configuration menu with a few options - Added some buttons to the main form for open/save/moveup/movedown [October 31, 2000] 0.018.1 - Fixed serious bug that if you wiped some files from the disk and did not re-save the D64 before importing files, the first file imported would be corrupted if it used any of the sectors owned by files you had wiped. - Fixed minor bug that would cause the program to go into a continuous loop if you imported more then 1 file, and there weren't any directory sectors available to write an additional filename to (occured mostly if all DIR sectors were marked as allocated already, or if there were 144 files already on the D64). [October 19, 2000] 0.018 - Rewrote File Import code to let user select more than 1 file at a time to import (hold down shift or control to multi-select files. - Changed File Export code to use the appropriate file extension (PRG, SEQ, REL, etc..) for the exported filename. - Changed Create D64 code to load up the newly created D64 if there isn't a D64 already loaded. - Fixed bug with exporting files with Unknown (???) filetypes. Would crash the program previously. Now it names the dos file as .___ - Changed File Import to only display the File Too Large messagebox if at least one file is too large. [October 15, 2000] 0.017.1 - Fixed bug with File Export causing a Run-time error and crashing if the file was linked to track 0/0, an illegal track/sector. - Rewrote file export code to let the user select a directory, and then dump all the files into that directory using the C64 filename (Illegal characters get converted to underscores) - Added Select All, Unselect All, and Invert Selection to the Edit Menu [October 10, 2000] 0.017 - Fixed minor bug with the Block Owner function causing false Directory Corruption Messages if it ran into illegal track/sectors. - Recoded multiple functions to allow multiple file selection within the D64. Standard windows keys are used to multi-select (shift and ctrl) [August 19, 2000] 0.016.5 - Changed double click on the main directory box. If the file selected is SEQ it opens with the SEQ Viewer instead of the File Properties Editor. - Changed right click code to highlight the file you're clicking on. - Redid font for SEQ Viewer - Fixed serious bug with Wipe function, occured when you had wiped files and then loaded another disk. [August 14, 2000] 0.016.4 - Fixed bug that allowed you to enter negative filesizes in the Properties Editor causing the program to crash when you saved the D64. - Fixed bug with checkForFullDir that would crop up on directories with more than 80 files. - Fixed bug with File Properties filesize that I missed in 0.016.3 [August 14, 2000] 0.016.3 - Added ability to use the arrow keys to move around the Block Editor - Added Block Wipe button to the block editor - Added ability to right click on the main listbox to get the Edit Menu - Fixed minor bug with File Export, was exporting one byte too many - Added ability to change Starting Sector, Starting Track, and Filesize of files on the D64 - Added Remove Directory Entry function. Used to safely remove corrupted files or files that have invalid track/sector locations. Simply removes the DIR entry but doesn't unallocate any blocks. - Added some seperator lines to the menus to organize it a little better. - Fixed bug in File Import that would cause an overflow if you imported a file larger than 255 blocks - Fixed File Export function to export files larger than 255 blocks. - Fixed file display properties to properly recognize filesizes over 255 blocks. - Fixed wipe/scratch functions to work properly on files over 255 blocks. 0.016.2 - Recoded parts of file import and export to GREATLY speed up the process time. [August 9, 2000] 0.016.1 - Fixed minor bug with the program reporting false disk full messages when attempting to re-save the D64. - Fixed bug with the load file code that would cause serious errors if non-D64's were attempted to load. 0.016 - Added code to detect the operating system (Win95/98 or NT/2000). Needed for drag and drop code to work correctly on both operating systems. - Added extra warning messages when scratching/wiping files that start on the DIR track. This is common for seperator files. 0.015.4 - fixed serious bug with file import routine. Throw away version 0.015.3 - Added P00 file support for file import. They are recognized correctly and the correct filename is used. 0.015.3 - Added code written by the Webulator to add drag/drop functionality to the program. Just drag a D64 onto the main window and away you go. - Added an extremely basic SEQ file viewer - Fixed a couple bugs with the last directory location - Added code to import files into the D64 (yes, its finally done) 0.015.2 - Fixed bug with the block editor saving changes to the wrong sector location. [May 17, 2000] 0.015.1 - Fixed a couple bugs with file chain viewer with invalid track/sectors - Fixed bug with the Block Editor causing a run-time error after many changes. - Minor change to Block Editor, after changing a byte, it moves the cursor to the next byte. [April 14, 2000] 0.015 - Fixed bug where the block owner wasn't getting reset when wiping a file. - Changed wipe code so that the blocks the file was using get zero-ed out when you save the D64. - fixed bugs with hitting Cancel on the Load Program box. Program would forget the last folder position and if there was a file already loaded it would reload the file. - Added some code to hopefully check if the directory on the disk is corrupted, and if it is, not let the user make any modifications to it. If someone knows a 100% reliable way to detect a corrupted directory, please let me know. [January 30, 2000] 0.014 - Wrote some basic code to save the window states, and the last accessed directory path. Currently saves the info into \%windows%\d64editor.cfg - Added function to find the owner of each block on the disk and display the info when you edit specific blocks in the block editor. - Added a file crosslink check. If there are crosslinked files on a disk it'll tell you when you load the disk. - re-wrote the directory saving code to unallocate all of the old directory sectors and then write out a new directory from scratch. - added function to wipe files from the disk, instead of merely scratching them in the directory. It removes the directory entry and unallocates all the blocks used. It doesn't zero out the blocks yet though, still trying to decide if this is the best idea. Use the Clean Disk function to zero out the blocks. [January 16, 2000] 0.013.1 - Minor fix, had accidently moved some of the labels around the main form. [January 16, 2000] 0.013 - Fixed bug with Block Editor. Forgot to define a variable as type BYTE and as a result was getting corrupted data in the block and blocks nearby. - Added filename filters for open/export options - Fixed directory bug where the filename would get cut off at the first $A0 byte - Fixed Diskname so that trailing $A0's are not displayed - Changed program back so that you must save the D64 yourself after making changes - Added the original font back as a secondary font for proper display of bam/block editor, and filename path on main form. Program now uses 2 separate cbm fonts. - Fixed small crash bug with hitting tab on the last byte of the block editor, it sends you back to the first byte now. - Added extra warning messages, will give user the option to turn them off in a future version. - Added a c64 icon to the executible [January 15, 2000] 0.012 - Final version of the cbm directory font added [January 9, 2000] 0.011 - Fixed bug with directory thinking it had hit the last filename if the track/sector location of the file were 0/0. - Consolidated alot of duplicate code into the module and various other cleanups - Changed Font on File Chain Viewer to MS Sans Serif to make it easier to read the #'s [January 6, 2000] 0.010 - Added File Scratch and Unscratch functions - Changed program so that it automatically re-writes the D64 after making changes [November 30, 1999] 0.009 - Added a clean disk image function - Added Block viewer/modifier - Added blank disk image creator - moved buttons, redid colors, and other various visuals [November 27, 1999] 0.008 - Fixed filetype display in the directory. Had the bits reversed for SEQ, REL, and USR. - Added code to find and display BLOCKS FREE. - Added code to display BAM and have the ability to modify it. - Added file chain viewer [November 26, 1999] 0.007 - Fixed bug with block export missing first byte of the sector [November 26, 1999] 0.006 - Added PRG export function [November 25, 1999] 0.005 - Added a block export function - fixed bug where you could type more than 16 characters for diskname and more than 5 for disk ID. - added a c64 font [November 23, 1999] 0.004 - Added function to modify file properties [November 22, 1999] 0.003 - Added functions to move files around the directory. [November 21, 1999] 0.002 - Added the functions to read and display the disk directory [November 20, 1999] 0.001 - First version, no code, just setting up the first form