********************************************************* * D64 Editor * * VERSION 0.026 * * February 4, 2004 * * AUTHOR: Forrest Mook * * forrest@almighty.c64.org * ********************************************************* A FEW WORDS ABOUT THE PROGRAM ----------------------------- This program is basically a utility created to edit your D64 files. Hopefully when it is done it will have all of the features you'd expect from a c64 based disk editor, as well as additional features that make it easier to manage your D64 files. Check the version.txt file for a list of any changes between versions. Enjoy the program :) If you use and like it I'd appreciate an email saying so :) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------- An IBM compatible PC running a 32-bit Windows Operating system (Win95/98/NT/2000/ME). GNU License ----------- The source code for this program is released under the GNU License. You may use any parts of this source code in your own projects provided you follow the GNU License. You must also send me an email saying that you're using parts of my source code. Forrest Mook http://almighty.c64.org DISCLAIMER ---------- This program was started in November 1999 and is a work in progress. This software is freeware and may be used and distributed freely. The installation and use of this software is completely the responsiblity of the end-user (THIS IS YOU) and under no circumstances should the author of this program be held responsible for any damages or costs to your computer as a result of using this program. Use of this program is entirely at your own risk. DONATIONS --------- If you find this program to be useful to you please consider making a donation to me for my time and effort that I've put into it. You're welcome to send any amount that you choose. Not only will the donation be appreciated by me and provide me the inspiration to continue the development of it, but you will also receive the following things: - Your additional feature requests will be given higher priority - Early releases will be emailed to you with features added as I finish them, instead of waiting for the official release on this website to obtain all the new features - My utmost gratitude Want to send me cash electronically? Use Paypal and send any amount to forrest@almighty.c64.org Otherwise, email me for my mailing address. My thanks to the following people who have donated: Raymond Day Felix Vazquez One anonymous person Matrix OTHER NOTES ----------- To display the directory of the D64's properly, you will need to put the 3 included fonts into your \%windows%\fonts directory. If you've copied the fonts to the \%windows%\fonts directory on your computer and the program still doesn't display correctly, try restarting your computer as well as double clicking on all 3 fonts in the Fonts directory. If you still have problems please send me an email. CONTACT ------- If you have any problems, suggestions, etc.. concerning this program, please contact me SPECIAL THANKS (in no particular order) -------------- Ivan Skuliber - Lots of bug finding and testing, and suggestions on features. CK! - Testing and providing the c64 fonts and c64 logo used in the program and suggestions for features. Joe Forster/STA - Great explanations of how the 1541 drive code works. Peter Schepers - Documentation on the c64 file layouts. the Webulator - Implementing the drag & drop code in the program. Glenn Larsson - Bug catching and lots of suggestions for features. Felix Vazquez - Thanks for getting me re-motivated to work on the program, and the great additions you added. Ray Knight - Thanks for adding the code to display the Track/Sector location in the BAM. And thanks to everyone that has donated money in support of this project. If I have forgotten anyone and you feel you should be on the thanks list, drop me an email.