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Welcome to
The Star Commander homepage
maintained by the author, Joe Forster/STA
last updated on 2004-01-05 |
Development powered by
The Star Commander is the ultimate DOS shell that can handle the image
file formats of the C64 Software
Emulator (© by Miha Peternel, 1994-1997),
CCS64 (© by Per
Håkan Sundell, 1996-2002),
Personal C64 (© by Wolfgang Lorenz, 1994-1997) and
VICE (© by the VICE Team,
1993-2002), it copies files and disks between the PC and a Commodore
1541/1571/1581 drive, optionally in turbo mode, and also converts several
popular Commodore archive formats. It is a comfortable, user-friendly and fast
giftware program with online help and is very similar to The Norton
Commander (© by Symantec Inc., 1986-1995) and
The Volkov Commander (© by
Vsevolod V. Volkov, 1991-2000).
The latest public release is Version 0.82, out since 31st March,
2002. You can find The Star Commander on Web sites and FTP sites in an
archive called (where X.YY is the version number).
Important notes
- Download betas for everyday usage! If you're having problems with
the latest public release, you might want to try the latest beta release, as
well, as your problem might have already been solved in it. Don't worry,
most of the time, betas are not as buggy as you might first think!
- Read the documentation before complaining! Before contacting the
author about problems with accessing Commodore drives and/or transferring
files, please, read the "Usage", "Troubleshooting" and "Known problems and
limitations" sections in the documentation. If you still have problems then
read the "Reporting problems" section in the documentation on how problems
should be reported.
Unfortunately, I don't have much time for this project anymore, and
especially few time to answer questions. Therefore, reports about any
release other than the latest public or beta release, reports covered by the
documentation and improper reports may be rejected! YOU HAVE BEEN
- New name for personal keyfiles. Since Version 0.81, the name of the
personal keyfile has been changed from sc.reg to sc.key so
that its extension doesn't conflict with that of Windows registry files.
Please, rename your personal keyfile, to make it work again!
- Read beta docs for dosemu and Windows XP. If you're running dosemu
under GNU/Linux or using Windows XP then download the latest beta release
and see the "Usage" section of the documentation for important information
on how to make the Commander access Commodore drives in these environments.
Windows XP users should also download the updated Windows NT/2000/XP tweak
package and read the included documentation.
Known major bugs
Please, use the latest 0.83 beta to overcome the following problems until
Version 0.83, in which these will be fixed, is released.
The original, English documentation is available
online. The following unofficial translations of the documentation are
- Dutch
(Commodore gebruikersgroep, The Netherlands)
DISCLAIMER: Please, note that the translations have been created and
proof-read by other people because the author of this page does not know those
languages. The author of this page has no direct control over the translations
and, therefore, can give you absolutely no guarantee about their correctness
or uptodateness! Also, please, don't bother reporting problems or wishes
concerning the translations to the author of this page as those will be
Useful information
Mailing list
If you need help with the Commander, would like to ask for some new features
in future releases, want to be notified about the release of new (beta)
versions or just want to chat around then subscribe to the mailing list.
WARNING: All E-mail addresses have been spam shielded. Before sending
an E-mail, please, delete the words "ANTI" and "SPAM", along with the dots
around them!
To subscribe to the mailing list, send an E-mail to
To post articles, send an E-mail to
Please, note that only members are allowed to post to the mailing list. To
unsubscribe, send an E-mail to
Mirror sites
You can also find the Commander at the following Web sites:
...and the following FTP sites:
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